Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

part of my existence, and, if I may venture to tell you so,

I also feel anxious. It seemed to me as if you were yourself

preparing for some dangerous undertaking, about which I did

not dare to question you, since you told me nothing. I have,

therefore, as you see, great need of hearing from you. Now

that you are no longer beside me I am afraid every moment of

erring. You sustained me powerfully, sir, and I protest to

you that to-day I feel very lonely. Will you have the

goodness, sir, should you receive news from Blois, to send

me a few lines about my little friend Mademoiselle de la

Valliere, about whose health, when we left, so much anxiety

was felt? You can understand, honored and dear guardian, how

precious and indispensable to me is the remembrance of the

years that I have passed with you. I hope that you will

sometimes, too, think of me, and if at certain hours you

should miss me, if you should feel any slight regret at my

absence, I shall be overwhelmed with joy at the thought that

you appreciate my affection for and my devotion to yourself,

and that I have been able to prove them to you whilst I had

the happiness of living with you.”

After finishing this letter Raoul felt more composed; he

looked well around him to see if Olivain and the host might

not be watching him, whilst he impressed a kiss upon the

paper, a mute and touching caress, which the heart of Athos

might well divine on opening the letter.

During this time Olivain had finished his bottle and eaten

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

his pie; the horses were also refreshed. Raoul motioned to

the host to approach, threw a crown upon the table, mounted

his horse, and posted his letter at Senlis. The rest that

had been thus afforded to men and horses enabled them to

continue their journey at a good round pace. At Verberie,

Raoul desired Olivain to make some inquiry about the young

man who was preceding them; he had been observed to pass

only three-quarters of an hour previously, but he was well

mounted, as the tavern-keeper had already said, and rode at

a rapid pace.

“Let us try and overtake this gentleman,” said Raoul to

Olivain; “like ourselves he is on his way to join the army

and may prove agreeable company.”

It was about four o’clock in the afternoon when Raoul

arrived at Compiegne; there he dined heartily and again

inquired about the young gentleman who was in advance of

them. He had stopped, like Raoul, at the Hotel of the Bell

and Bottle, the best at Compiegne; and had started again on

his journey, saying that he should sleep at Noyon.

“Well, let us sleep at Noyon,” said Raoul.

“Sir,” replied Olivain, respectfully, “allow me to remark

that we have already much fatigued the horses this morning.

I think it would be well to sleep here and to start again

very early to-morrow. Eighteen leagues is enough for the

first stage.”

“The Comte de la Fere wished me to hasten on,” replied

Raoul, “that I might rejoin the prince on the morning of the

fourth day; let us push on, then, to Noyon; it will be a

stage similar to those we traveled from Blois to Paris. We

shall arrive at eight o’clock. The horses will have a long

night’s rest, and at five o’clock to-morrow morning we can

be again on the road.”

Olivain dared offer no opposition to this determination but

he followed his master, grumbling.

“Go on, go on,” said he, between his teeth, “expend your

ardor the first day; to-morrow, instead of journeying twenty

leagues, you will travel ten, the day after to-morrow, five,

and in three days you will be in bed. There you must rest;

young people are such braggarts.”

It was easy to see that Olivain had not been taught in the

school of the Planchets and the Grimauds. Raoul really felt

tired, but he was desirous of testing his strength, and,

brought up in the principles of Athos and certain of having

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre