Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

“Since then Monsieur de Beaufort has become an enemy of the


“That may be, my lord; but since I am neither king nor queen

nor minister, he is not my enemy and I cannot accept your


“This, then, is what you call devotion! I congratulate you.

Your devotion does not commit you too far, Monsieur de


“And then, my lord,” continued Rochefort, “you understand

that to emerge from the Bastile in order to enter Vincennes

is only to change one’s prison.”

“Say at once that you are on the side of Monsieur de

Beaufort; that will be the most sincere line of conduct,”

said Mazarin.

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“My lord, I have been so long shut up, that I am only of one

party — I am for fresh air. Employ me in any other way;

employ me even actively, but let it be on the high roads.”

“My dear Monsieur de Rochefort,” Mazarin replied in a tone

of raillery, “you think yourself still a young man; your

spirit is that of the phoenix, but your strength fails you.

Believe me, you ought now to take a rest. Here!”

“You decide, then, nothing about me, my lord?”

“On the contrary, I have come to a decision.”

Bernouin came into the room.

“Call an officer of justice,” he said; “and stay close to

me,” he added, in a low tone.

The officer entered. Mazarin wrote a few words, which he

gave to this man; then he bowed.

“Adieu, Monsieur de Rochefort,” he said.

Rochefort bent low.

“I see, my lord, I am to be taken back to the Bastile.”

“You are sagacious.”

“I shall return thither, my lord, but it is a mistake on

your part not to employ me.”

“You? the friend of my greatest foes? Don’t suppose that you

are the only person who can serve me, Monsieur de Rochefort.

I shall find many men as able as you are.”

“I wish you may, my lord,” replied De Rochefort.

He was then reconducted by the little staircase, instead of

passing through the ante-chamber where D’Artagnan was

waiting. In the courtyard the carriage and the four

musketeers were ready, but he looked around in vain for his


“Ah!” he muttered to himself, “this changes the situation,

and if there is still a crowd of people in the streets we

will try to show Mazarin that we are still, thank God, good

for something else than keeping guard over a prisoner;” and

he jumped into the carriage with the alacrity of a man of



Anne of Austria at the Age of Forty-six.

When left alone with Bernouin, Mazarin was for some minutes

lost in thought. He had gained much information, but not

enough. Mazarin was a cheat at the card-table. This is a

detail preserved to us by Brienne. He called it using his

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

advantages. He now determined not to begin the game with

D’Artagnan till he knew completely all his adversary’s


“My lord, have you any commands?” asked Bernouin.

“Yes, yes,” replied Mazarin. “Light me; I am going to the


Bernouin took up a candlestick and led the way.

There was a secret communication between the cardinal’s

apartments and those of the queen; and through this

corridor* Mazarin passed whenever he wished to visit Anne of


*This secret passage is still to be seen in the Palais


In the bedroom in which this passage ended, Bernouin

encountered Madame de Beauvais, like himself intrusted with

the secret of these subterranean love affairs; and Madame de

Beauvais undertook to prepare Anne of Austria, who was in

her oratory with the young king, Louis XIV., to receive the


Anne, reclining in a large easy-chair, her head supported by

her hand, her elbow resting on a table, was looking at her

son, who was turning over the leaves of a large book filled

with pictures. This celebrated woman fully understood the

art of being dull with dignity. It was her practice to pass

hours either in her oratory or in her room, without either

reading or praying.

When Madame de Beauvais appeared at the door and announced

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre