Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

of my profession I have distributed to the poor; I have been

assiduous in attending church and those who formerly fled

from me have become accustomed to seeing me. All have

forgiven me, some have even loved me; but I think that God

has not pardoned me, for the memory of that execution

pursues me constantly and every night I see that woman’s

ghost rising before me.”

“A woman! You have assassinated a woman, then?” cried the


“You also!” exclaimed the executioner, “you use that word

which sounds ever in my ears — `assassinated!’ I have

assassinated, then, and not executed! I am an assassin,

then, and not an officer of justice!” and he closed his eyes

with a groan.

The monk doubtless feared that he would die without saying

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more, for he exclaimed eagerly:

“Go on, I know nothing, as yet; when you have finished your

story, God and I will judge.”

“Oh, father,” continued the executioner, without opening his

eyes, as if he feared on opening them to see some frightful

object, “it is especially when night comes on and when I

have to cross a river, that this terror which I have been

unable to conquer comes upon me; it then seems as if my hand

grew heavy, as if the cutlass was still in its grasp, as if

the water had the color of blood, and all the voices of

nature — the whispering of the trees, the murmur of the

wind, the lapping of the wave — united in a voice tearful,

despairing, terrible, crying to me, `Place for the justice

of God!'”

“Delirium!” murmured the monk, shaking his head.

The executioner opened his eyes, turned toward the young man

and grasped his arm.

“`Delirium,'” he repeated; “`delirium,’ do you say? Oh, no!

I remember too well. It was evening; I had thrown the body

into the river and those words which my remorse repeats to

me are those which I in my pride pronounced. After being the

instrument of human justice I aspired to be that of the

justice of God.”

“But let me see, how was it done? Speak,” said the monk.

“It was at night. A man came to me and showed me an order

and I followed him. Four other noblemen awaited me. They led

me away masked. I reserved the right of refusing if the

office they required of me should seem unjust. We traveled

five or six leagues, serious, silent, and almost without

speaking. At length, through the window of a little hut,

they showed me a woman sitting, leaning on a table, and

said, `there is the person to be executed.'”

“Horrible!” said the monk. “And you obeyed?”

“Father, that woman was a monster. It was said that she had

poisoned her second husband; she had tried to assassinate

her brother-in-law; she had just poisoned a young woman who

was her rival, and before leaving England she had, it was

believed, caused the favorite of the king to be murdered.”

“Buckingham?” cried the monk.

“Yes, Buckingham.”

“The woman was English, then?”

“No, she was French, but she had married in England.”

The monk turned pale, wiped his brow and went and bolted the

door. The executioner thought that he had abandoned him and

fell back, groaning, upon his bed.

“No, no; I am here,” said the monk, quickly coming back to

him. “Go on; who were those men?”

“One of them was a foreigner, English, I think. The four

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others were French and wore the uniform of musketeers.”

“Their names?” asked the monk.

“I don’t know them, but the four other noblemen called the

Englishman `my lord.'”

“Was the woman handsome?”

“Young and beautiful. Oh, yes, especially beautiful. I see

her now, as on her knees at my feet, with her head thrown

back, she begged for life. I have never understood how I

could have laid low a head so beautiful, with a face so


The monk seemed agitated by a strange emotion; he trembled

all over; he seemed eager to put a question which yet he

dared not ask. At length, with a violent effort at

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre