Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

alarmed him greatly. The donjon of Vincennes was considered

very unhealthy and Madame de Rambouillet had said that the

room in which the Marechal Ornano and the Grand Prior de

Vendome had died was worth its weight in arsenic — a bon

mot which had great success. So it was ordered the prisoner

was henceforth to eat nothing that had not previously been

tasted, and La Ramee was in consequence placed near him as


Every kind of revenge was practiced upon the duke by the

governor in return for the insults of the innocent Pistache.

De Chavigny, who, according to report, was a son of

Richelieu’s, and had been a creature of the late cardinal’s,

understood tyranny. He took from the duke all the steel

knives and silver forks and replaced them with silver knives

and wooden forks, pretending that as he had been informed

that the duke was to pass all his life at Vincennes, he was

afraid of his prisoner attempting suicide. A fortnight

afterward the duke, going to the tennis court, found two

rows of trees about the size of his little finger planted by

the roadside; he asked what they were for and was told that

they were to shade him from the sun on some future day. One

morning the gardener went to him and told him, as if to

please him, that he was going to plant a bed of asparagus

for his especial use. Now, since, as every one knows,

asparagus takes four years in coming to perfection, this

civility infuriated Monsieur de Beaufort.

At last his patience was exhausted. He assembled his

keepers, and notwithstanding his well-known difficulty of

utterance, addressed them as follows:

“Gentlemen! will you permit a grandson of Henry IV. to be

overwhelmed with insults and ignominy?

“Odds fish! as my grandfather used to say, I once reigned in

Paris! do you know that? I had the king and Monsieur the

whole of one day in my care. The queen at that time liked me

and called me the most honest man in the kingdom. Gentlemen

and citizens, set me free; I shall go to the Louvre and

strangle Mazarin. You shall be my body-guard. I will make

you all captains, with good pensions! Odds fish! On! march


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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

But eloquent as he might be, the eloquence of the grandson

of Henry IV. did not touch those hearts of stone; not one

man stirred, so Monsieur de Beaufort was obliged to be

satisfied with calling them all kinds of rascals underneath

the sun.

Sometimes, when Monsieur de Chavigny paid him a visit, the

duke used to ask him what he should think if he saw an army

of Parisians, all fully armed, appear at Vincennes to

deliver him from prison.

“My lord,” answered De Chavigny, with a low bow, “I have on

the ramparts twenty pieces of artillery and in my casemates

thirty thousand guns. I should bombard the troops till not

one grain of gunpowder was unexploded.”

“Yes, but after you had fired off your thirty thousand guns

they would take the donjon; the donjon being taken, I should

be obliged to let them hang you — at which I should be most

unhappy, certainly.”

And in his turn the duke bowed low to Monsieur de Chavigny.

“For myself, on the other hand, my lord,” returned the

governor, “when the first rebel should pass the threshold of

my postern doors I should be obliged to kill you with my own

hand, since you were confided peculiarly to my care and as I

am obliged to give you up, dead or alive.”

And once more he bowed low before his highness.

These bitter-sweet pleasantries lasted ten minutes,

sometimes longer, but always finished thus:

Monsieur de Chavigny, turning toward the door, used to call

out: “Halloo! La Ramee!”

La Ramee came into the room.

“La Ramee, I recommend Monsieur le Duc to you, particularly;

treat him as a man of his rank and family ought to be

treated; that is, never leave him alone an instant.”

La Ramee became, therefore, the duke’s dinner guest by

compulsion — an eternal keeper, the shadow of his person;

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre