Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

keeps a good watch over the prisoner. During the three weeks

that he has been with me, I have only had to reproach him

with one thing — being too severe with the prisoners.”

“And who is this Cerberus?”

“A certain Monsieur Grimaud, my lord.”

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“And what was he before he went to Vincennes?”

“He was in the country, as I was told by the person who

recommended him to me.”

“And who recommended this man to you?”

“The steward of the Duc de Grammont.”

“He is not a gossip, I hope?”

“Lord a mercy, my lord! I thought for a long time that he

was dumb; he answers only by signs. It seems his former

master accustomed him to that.”

“Well, dear Monsieur la Ramee,” replied the cardinal “let

him prove a true and thankful keeper and we will shut our

eyes upon his rural misdeeds and put on his back a uniform

to make him respectable, and in the pockets of that uniform

some pistoles to drink to the king’s health.”

Mazarin was large in promises, — quite unlike the virtuous

Monsieur Grimaud so bepraised by La Ramee; for he said

nothing and did much.

It was now nine o’clock. The cardinal, therefore, got up,

perfumed himself, dressed, and went to the queen to tell her

what had detained him. The queen, who was scarcely less

afraid of Monsieur de Beaufort than the cardinal himself,

and who was almost as superstitious as he was, made him

repeat word for word all La Ramee’s praises of his deputy.

Then, when the cardinal had ended:

“Alas, sir! why have we not a Grimaud near every prince?”

“Patience!” replied Mazarin, with his Italian smile; “that

may happen one day; but in the meantime —- ”

“Well, in the meantime?”

“I shall still take precautions.”

And he wrote to D’Artagnan to hasten his return.


Describes how the Duc de Beaufort amused his Leisure Hours

in the Donjon of Vincennes.

The captive who was the source of so much alarm to the

cardinal and whose means of escape disturbed the repose of

the whole court, was wholly unconscious of the terror he

caused at the Palais Royal.

He had found himself so strictly guarded that he soon

perceived the fruitlessness of any attempt at escape. His

vengeance, therefore, consisted in coining curses on the

head of Mazarin; he even tried to make some verses on him,

but soon gave up the attempt, for Monsieur de Beaufort had

not only not received from Heaven the gift of versifying, he

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had the greatest difficulty in expressing himself in prose.

The duke was the grandson of Henry VI. and Gabrielle

d’Estrees — as good-natured, as brave, as proud, and above

all, as Gascon as his ancestor, but less elaborately

educated. After having been for some time after the death of

Louis XIII. the favorite, the confidant, the first man, in

short, at the court, he had been obliged to yield his place

to Mazarin and so became the second in influence and favor;

and eventually, as he was stupid enough to be vexed at this

change of position, the queen had had him arrested and sent

to Vincennes in charge of Guitant, who made his appearance

in these pages in the beginning of this history and whom we

shall see again. It is understood, of course, that when we

say “the queen,” Mazarin is meant.

During the five years of this seclusion, which would have

improved and matured the intellect of any other man, M. de

Beaufort, had he not affected to brave the cardinal, despise

princes, and walk alone without adherents or disciples,

would either have regained his liberty or made partisans.

But these considerations never occurred to the duke and

every day the cardinal received fresh accounts of him which

were as unpleasant as possible to the minister.

After having failed in poetry, Monsieur de Beaufort tried

drawing. He drew portraits, with a piece of coal, of the

cardinal; and as his talents did not enable him to produce a

very good likeness, he wrote under the picture that there

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre