Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

I was removed from the Chatelet to the Bastile owing to an

order from your eminence.”

“You think you were.”

“I am certain of it.”

“Ah, stay! I fancy I remember it. Did you not once refuse to

undertake a journey to Brussels for the queen?”

“Ah! ah!” exclaimed Rochefort. “There is the true reason!

Idiot that I am, though I have been trying to find it out

for five years, I never found it out.”

“But I do not say it was the cause of your imprisonment. I

merely ask you, did you not refuse to go to Brussels for the

queen, whilst you had consented to go there to do some

service for the late cardinal?”

“That is the very reason I refused to go back to Brussels. I

was there at a fearful moment. I was sent there to intercept

a correspondence between Chalais and the archduke, and even

then, when I was discovered I was nearly torn to pieces. How

could I, then, return to Brussels? I should injure the queen

instead of serving her.”

“Well, since the best motives are liable to misconstruction,

the queen saw in your refusal nothing but a refusal — a

distinct refusal she had also much to complain of you during

the lifetime of the late cardinal; yes, her majesty the

queen —- ”

Rochefort smiled contemptuously.

“Since I was a faithful servant, my lord, to Cardinal

Richelieu during his life, it stands to reason that now,

after his death, I should serve you well, in defiance of the

whole world.”

“With regard to myself, Monsieur de Rochefort,” replied

Mazarin, “I am not, like Monsieur de Richelieu,

all-powerful. I am but a minister, who wants no servants,

being myself nothing but a servant of the queen’s. Now, the

queen is of a sensitive nature. Hearing of your refusal to

obey her she looked upon it as a declaration of war, and as

she considers you a man of superior talent, and consequently

dangerous, she desired me to make sure of you; that is the

reason of your being shut up in the Bastile. But your

release can be managed. You are one of those men who can

comprehend certain matters and having understood them, can

act with energy —- ”

“Such was Cardinal Richelieu’s opinion, my lord.”

“The cardinal,” interrupted Mazarin, “was a great politician

and therein shone his vast superiority over me. I am a

straightforward, simple man; that’s my great disadvantage. I

am of a frankness of character quite French.”

Rochefort bit his lips in order to prevent a smile.

“Now to the point. I want friends; I want faithful servants.

When I say I want, I mean the queen wants them. I do nothing

without her commands — pray understand that; not like

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

Monsieur de Richelieu, who went on just as he pleased. So I

shall never be a great man, as he was, but to compensate for

that, I shall be a good man, Monsieur de Rochefort, and I

hope to prove it to you.”

Rochefort knew well the tones of that soft voice, in which

sounded sometimes a sort of gentle lisp, like the hissing of

young vipers.

“I am disposed to believe your eminence,” he replied;

“though I have had but little evidence of that good-nature

of which your eminence speaks. Do not forget that I have

been five years in the Bastile and that no medium of viewing

things is so deceptive as the grating of a prison.”

“Ah, Monsieur de Rochefort! have I not told you already that

I had nothing to do with that? The queen — cannot you make

allowances for the pettishness of a queen and a princess?

But that has passed away as suddenly as it came, and is


“I can easily suppose, sir, that her majesty has forgotten

it amid the fetes and the courtiers of the Palais Royal, but

I who have passed those years in the Bastile —- ”

“Ah! mon Dieu! my dear Monsieur de Rochefort! do you

absolutely think that the Palais Royal is the abode of

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre