Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

the Sorbonne and the Rue de l’Universite.

“We are looking for the house of Monsieur de la Fere,” said


The peasant took off his hat on hearing this revered name.

“Gentlemen,” he said, “the wood that I am carting is his; I

cut it in his copse and I am taking it to the chateau.”

D’Artagnan determined not to question this man; he did not

wish to hear from another what he had himself said to


“The chateau!” he said to himself, “what chateau? Ah, I

understand! Athos is not a man to be thwarted; he, like

Porthos, has obliged his peasantry to call him `my lord,’

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and to dignify his pettifogging place by the name of

chateau. He had a heavy hand — dear old Athos — after


D’Artagnan, after asking the man the right way, continued

his route, agitated in spite of himself at the idea of

seeing once more that singular man whom he had so truly

loved and who had contributed so much by advice and example

to his education as a gentleman. He checked by degrees the

speed of his horse and went on, his head drooping as if in

deep thought.

Soon, as the road turned, the Chateau de la Valliere

appeared in view; then, a quarter of a mile beyond, a white

house, encircled in sycamores, was visible at the farther

end of a group of trees, which spring had powdered with a

snow of flowers.

On beholding this house, D’Artagnan, calm as he was in

general, felt an unusual disturbance within his heart — so

powerful during the whole course of life are the

recollections of youth. He proceeded, nevertheless, and came

opposite to an iron gate, ornamented in the taste of the


Through the gate was seen kitchen-gardens, carefully

attended to, a spacious courtyard, in which neighed several

horses held by valets in various liveries, and a carriage,

drawn by two horses of the country.

“We are mistaken,” said D’Artagnan. “This cannot be the

establishment of Athos. Good heavens! suppose he is dead and

that this property now belongs to some one who bears his

name. Alight, Planchet, and inquire, for I confess that I

have scarcely courage so to do.”

Planchet alighted.

“Thou must add,” said D’Artagnan, “that a gentleman who is

passing by wishes to have the honor of paying his respects

to the Comte de la Fere, and if thou art satisfied with what

thou hearest, then mention my name!”

Planchet, leading his horse by the bridle, drew near to the

gate and rang the bell, and immediately a servant-man with

white hair and of erect stature, notwithstanding his age,

presented himself.

“Does Monsieur le Comte de la Fere live here?” asked


“Yes, monsieur, it is here he lives,” the servant replied to

Planchet, who was not in livery.

“A nobleman retired from service, is he not?”


“And who had a lackey named Grimaud?” persisted Planchet,

who had prudently considered that he couldn’t have too much


“Monsieur Grimaud is absent from the chateau for the time

being,” said the servitor, who, little used as he was to

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such inquiries, began to examine Planchet from head to foot.

“Then,” cried Planchet joyously, “I see well that it is the

same Comte de la Fere whom we seek. Be good enough to open

to me, for I wish to announce to monsieur le comte that my

master, one of his friends, is here, and wishes to greet


“Why didn’t you say so?” said the servitor, opening the

gate. “But where is your master?”

“He is following me.”

The servitor opened the gate and walked before Planchet, who

made a sign to D’Artagnan. The latter, his heart palpitating

more than ever, entered the courtyard without dismounting.

Whilst Planchet was standing on the steps before the house

he heard a voice say:

“Well, where is this gentleman and why do they not bring him


This voice, the sound of which reached D’Artagnan,

reawakened in his heart a thousand sentiments, a thousand

recollections that he had forgotten. He vaulted hastily from

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre