Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

grandeur, a look around the room, and her eyes rested on


Athos smiled.

“Mademoiselle Paulet has observed you, vicomte; go and bow

to her; don’t try to appear anything but what you are, a

true country youth; on no account speak to her of Henry IV.”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“When shall we two walk together?” Athos then said to


“Presently — there are not a sufficient number of people

here yet; we shall be remarked.”

At this moment the door opened and in walked the coadjutor.

At this name every one looked around, for his was already a

very celebrated name. Athos did the same. He knew the Abbe

de Gondy only by report.

He saw a little dark man, ill made and awkward with his

hands in everything — except drawing a sword and firing a

pistol — with something haughty and contemptuous in his


Scarron turned around toward him and came to meet him in his


“Well,” said the coadjutor, on seeing him, “you are in

disgrace, then, abbe?”

This was the orthodox phrase. It had been said that evening

a hundred times — and Scarron was at his hundredth bon mot

on the subject; he was very nearly at the end of his

humoristic tether, but one despairing effort saved him.

“Monsieur, the Cardinal Mazarin has been so kind as to think

of me,” he said.

“But how can you continue to receive us?” asked the

coadjutor; “if your income is lessened I shall be obliged to

make you a canon of Notre Dame.”

“Oh, no!” cried Scarron, “I should compromise you too much.”

“Perhaps you have resources of which we are ignorant?”

“I shall borrow from the queen.”

“But her majesty has no property,” interposed Aramis.

At this moment the door opened and Madame de Chevreuse was

announced. Every one arose. Scarron turned his chair toward

the door, Raoul blushed, Athos made a sign to Aramis, who

went and hid himself in the enclosure of a window.

In the midst of all the compliments that awaited her on her

entrance, the duchess seemed to be looking for some one; at

last she found out Raoul and her eyes sparkled; she

perceived Athos and became thoughtful; she saw Aramis in the

seclusion of the window and gave a start of surprise behind

her fan.

“Apropos,” she said, as if to drive away thoughts that

pursued her in spite of herself, “how is poor Voiture, do

you know, Scarron?”

“What, is Monsieur Voiture ill?” inquired a gentleman who

had spoken to Athos in the Rue Saint Honore; “what is the

matter with him?”

“He was acting, but forgot to take the precaution to have a

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

change of linen ready after the performance,” said the

coadjutor, “so he took cold and is about to die.”

“Is he then so ill, dear Voiture?” asked Aramis, half hidden

by the window curtain.

“Die!” cried Mademoiselle Paulet, bitterly, “he! Why, he is

surrounded by sultanas, like a Turk. Madame de Saintot has

hastened to him with broth; La Renaudot warms his sheets;

the Marquise de Rambouillet sends him his tisanes.”

“You don’t like him, my dear Parthenie,” said Scarron.

“What an injustice, my dear invalid! I hate him so little

that I should be delighted to order masses for the repose of

his soul.”

“You are not called `Lionne’ for nothing,” observed Madame

de Chevreuse, “your teeth are terrible.”

“You are unjust to a great poet, it seems to me,” Raoul

ventured to say.

“A great poet! come, one may easily see, vicomte, that you

are lately from the provinces and have never so much as seen

him. A great poet! he is scarcely five feet high.”

“Bravo bravo!” cried a tall man with an enormous mustache

and a long rapier, “bravo, fair Paulet, it is high time to

put little Voiture in his right place. For my part, I always

thought his poetry detestable, and I think I know something

about poetry.”

“Who is this officer,” inquired Raoul of Athos, “who is


“Monsieur de Scudery, the author of `Clelie,’ and of `Le

Grand Cyrus,’ which were composed partly by him and partly

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre