Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

but La Ramee — gay, frank, convivial, fond of play, a great

hand at tennis, had one defect in the duke’s eyes — his


Now, although La Ramee appreciated, as of a certain value,

the honor of being shut up with a prisoner of so great

importance, still the pleasure of living in intimacy with

the grandson of Henry IV. hardly compensated for the loss of

that which he had experienced in going from time to time to

visit his family.

One may be a jailer or a keeper and at the same time a good

father and husband. La Ramee adored his wife and children,

whom now he could only catch a glimpse of from the top of

the wall, when in order to please him they used to walk on

the opposite side of the moat. ‘Twas too brief an enjoyment,

and La Ramee felt that the gayety of heart he had regarded

as the cause of health (of which it was perhaps rather the

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result) would not long survive such a mode of life.

He accepted, therefore, with delight, an offer made to him

by his friend the steward of the Duc de Grammont, to give

him a substitute; he also spoke of it to Monsieur de

Chavigny, who promised that he would not oppose it in any

way — that is, if he approved of the person proposed.

We consider it useless to draw a physical or moral portrait

of Grimaud; if, as we hope, our readers have not wholly

forgotten the first part of this work, they must have

preserved a clear idea of that estimable individual, who is

wholly unchanged, except that he is twenty years older, an

advance in life that has made him only more silent;

although, since the change that had been working in himself,

Athos had given Grimaud permission to speak.

But Grimaud had for twelve or fifteen years preserved

habitual silence, and a habit of fifteen or twenty years’

duration becomes second nature.


Grimaud begins his Functions.

Grimaud thereupon presented himself with his smooth exterior

at the donjon of Vincennes. Now Monsieur de Chavigny piqued

himself on his infallible penetration; for that which almost

proved that he was the son of Richelieu was his everlasting

pretension; he examined attentively the countenance of the

applicant for place and fancied that the contracted

eyebrows, thin lips, hooked nose, and prominent cheek-bones

of Grimaud were favorable signs. He addressed about twelve

words to him; Grimaud answered in four.

“Here’s a promising fellow and it is I who have found out

his merits,” said Monsieur de Chavigny. “Go,” he added, “and

make yourself agreeable to Monsieur la Ramee, and tell him

that you suit me in all respects.”

Grimaud had every quality that could attract a man on duty

who wishes to have a deputy. So, after a thousand questions

which met with only a word in reply, La Ramee, fascinated by

this sobriety in speech, rubbed his hands and engaged


“My orders?” asked Grimaud.

“They are these; never to leave the prisoner alone; to keep

away from him every pointed or cutting instrument, and to

prevent his conversing any length of time with the keepers.”

“Those are all?” asked Grimaud.

“All now,” replied La Ramee.

“Good,” answered Grimaud; and he went right to the prisoner.

The duke was in the act of combing his beard, which he had

allowed to grow, as well as his hair, in order to reproach

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Mazarin with his wretched appearance and condition. But

having some days previously seen from the top of the donjon

Madame de Montbazon pass in her carriage, and still

cherishing an affection for that beautiful woman, he did not

wish to be to her what he wished to be to Mazarin, and in

the hope of seeing her again, had asked for a leaden comb,

which was allowed him. The comb was to be a leaden one,

because his beard, like that of most fair people, was rather

red; he therefore dyed it thus whilst combing it.

As Grimaud entered he saw this comb on the tea-table; he

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre