Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

Mazarin for any future service he might render the cardinal.

From Blois to Paris was a journey of four days for ordinary

travelers, but D’Artagnan arrived on the third day at the

Barriere Saint Denis. In turning the corner of the Rue

Montmartre, in order to reach the Rue Tiquetonne and the

Hotel de la Chevrette, where he had appointed Porthos to

meet him, he saw at one of the windows of the hotel, that

friend himself dressed in a sky-blue waistcoat, embroidered

with silver, and gaping, till he showed every one of his

white teeth; whilst the people passing by admiringly gazed

at this gentleman, so handsome and so rich, who seemed to

weary of his riches and his greatness.

D’Artagnan and Planchet had hardly turned the corner when

Porthos recognized them.

“Eh! D’Artagnan!” he cried. “Thank God you have come!”

“Eh! good-day, dear friend!” replied D’Artagnan.

Porthos came down at once to the threshold of the hotel.

“Ah, my dear friend!” he cried, “what bad stabling for my

horses here.”

“Indeed!” said D’Artagnan; “I am most unhappy to hear it, on

account of those fine animals.”

“And I, also — I was also wretchedly off,” he answered,

moving backward and forward as he spoke; “and had it not

been for the hostess,” he added, with his air of vulgar

self-complacency, “who is very agreeable and understands a

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joke, I should have got a lodging elsewhere.”

The pretty Madeleine, who had approached during this

colloquy, stepped back and turned pale as death on hearing

Porthos’s words, for she thought the scene with the Swiss

was about to be repeated. But to her great surprise

D’Artagnan remained perfectly calm, and instead of being

angry he laughed, and said to Porthos:

“Yes, I understand, the air of La Rue Tiquetonne is not like

that of Pierrefonds; but console yourself, I will soon

conduct you to one much better.”

“When will you do that?”

“Immediately, I hope.”

“Ah! so much the better!”

To that exclamation of Porthos’s succeeded a groaning, low

and profound, which seemed to come from behind a door.

D’Artagnan, who had just dismounted, then saw, outlined

against the wall, the enormous stomach of Mousqueton, whose

down-drawn mouth emitted sounds of distress.

“And you, too, my poor Monsieur Mouston, are out of place in

this poor hotel, are you not?” asked D’Artagnan, in that

rallying tone which may indicate either compassion or


“He finds the cooking detestable,” replied Porthos.

“Why, then, doesn’t he attend to it himself, as at


“Ah, monsieur, I have not here, as I had there, the ponds of

monsieur le prince, where I could catch those beautiful

carp, nor the forests of his highness to provide me with

partridges. As for the cellar, I have searched every part

and poor stuff I found.”

“Monsieur Mouston,” said D’Artagnan, “I should indeed

condole with you had I not at this moment something very

pressing to attend to.”

Then taking Porthos aside:

“My dear Du Vallon,” he said, “here you are in full dress

most fortunately, for I am going to take you to the


“Gracious me! really!” exclaimed Porthos, opening his great

wondering eyes.

“Yes, my friend.”

“A presentation? indeed!”

“Does that alarm you?”

“No, but it agitates me.”

“Oh! don’t be distressed; you have to deal with a cardinal

of another kind. This one will not oppress you by his

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“‘Tis the same thing — you understand me, D’Artagnan — a


“There’s no court now. Alas!”

“The queen!”

“I was going to say, there’s no longer a queen. The queen!

Rest assured, we shall not see her.”

“And you say that we are going from here to the Palais


“Immediately. Only, that there may be no delay, I shall

borrow one of your horses.”

“Certainly; all the four are at your service.”

“Oh, I need only one of them for the time being.”

“Shall we take our valets?”

“Yes, you may as well take Mousqueton. As to Planchet, he has

certain reasons for not going to court.”

“And what are they?”

“Oh, he doesn’t stand well with his eminence.”

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre