Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

made a sergeant in Piedmont’s regiment?”


“The illustrious Planchet. What has become of him?”

“I shouldn’t wonder if he were at the head of the mob at

this very moment. He married a woman who keeps a

confectioner’s shop in the Rue des Lombards, for he’s a lad

who was always fond of sweetmeats; he’s now a citizen of

Paris. You’ll see that that queer fellow will be a sheriff

before I shall be a captain.”

“Come, dear D’Artagnan, look up a little! Courage! It is

when one is lowest on the wheel of fortune that the

merry-go-round wheels and rewards us. This evening your

destiny begins to change.”

“Amen!” exclaimed D’Artagnan, stopping the carriage.

“What are you doing?” asked Rochefort.

“We are almost there and I want no one to see me getting out

of your carriage; we are supposed not to know each other.”

“You are right. Adieu.”

“Au revoir. Remember your promise.”

In five minutes the party entered the courtyard and

D’Artagnan led the prisoner up the great staircase and

across the corridor and ante-chamber.

As they stopped at the door of the cardinal’s study,

D’Artagnan was about to be announced when Rochefort slapped

him on his shoulder.

“D’Artagnan, let me confess to you what I’ve been thinking

about during the whole of my drive, as I looked out upon the

parties of citizens who perpetually crossed our path and

looked at you and your four men with fiery eyes.”

Page 24

Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“Speak out,” answered D’Artagnan.

“I had only to cry out `Help!’ for you and for your

companions to be cut to pieces, and then I should have been


“Why didn’t you do it?” asked the lieutenant.

“Come, come!” cried Rochefort. “Did we not swear friendship?

Ah! had any one but you been there, I don’t say —- ”

D’Artagnan bowed. “Is it possible that Rochefort has become

a better man than I am?” he said to himself. And he caused

himself to be announced to the minister.

“Let M. de Rochefort enter,” said Mazarin, eagerly, on

hearing their names pronounced; “and beg M. d’Artagnan to

wait; I shall have further need of him.”

These words gave great joy to D’Artagnan. As he had said, it

had been a long time since any one had needed him; and that

demand for his services on the part of Mazarin seemed to him

an auspicious sign.

Rochefort, rendered suspicious and cautious by these words,

entered the apartment, where he found Mazarin sitting at the

table, dressed in his ordinary garb and as one of the

prelates of the Church, his costume being similar to that of

the abbes in that day, excepting that his scarf and

stockings were violet.

As the door was closed Rochefort cast a glance toward

Mazarin, which was answered by one, equally furtive, from

the minister.

There was little change in the cardinal; still dressed with

sedulous care, his hair well arranged and curled, his person

perfumed, he looked, owing to his extreme taste in dress,

only half his age. But Rochefort, who had passed five years

in prison, had become old in the lapse of a few years; the

dark locks of this estimable friend of the defunct Cardinal

Richelieu were now white; the deep bronze of his complexion

had been succeeded by a mortal pallor which betokened

debility. As he gazed at him Mazarin shook his head

slightly, as much as to say, “This is a man who does not

appear to me fit for much.”

After a pause, which appeared an age to Rochefort, Mazarin

took from a bundle of papers a letter, and showing it to the

count, he said:

“I find here a letter in which you sue for liberty, Monsieur

de Rochefort. You are in prison, then?”

Rochefort trembled in every limb at this question. “But I

thought,” he said, “that your eminence knew that

circumstance better than any one —- ”

“I? Oh no! There is a congestion of prisoners in the

Bastile, who were cooped up in the time of Monsieur de

Richelieu; I don’t even know their names.”

“Yes, but in regard to myself, my lord, it cannot be so, for

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre