Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

heard him speak a thousand times of stages of twenty-five

leagues, he did not wish to fall far short of his model.

D’Artagnan, that man of iron, who seemed to be made of nerve

and muscle only, had struck him with admiration. Therefore,

in spite of Olivain’s remarks, he continued to urge his

steed more and more, and following a pleasant little path,

leading to a ferry, and which he had been assured shortened

the journey by the distance of one league, he arrived at the

summit of a hill and perceived the river flowing before him.

A little troop of men on horseback were waiting on the edge

of the stream, ready to embark. Raoul did not doubt this was

the gentleman and his escort; he called out to him, but they

were too distant to be heard; then, in spite of the

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

weariness of his beast, he made it gallop but the rising

ground soon deprived him of all sight of the travelers, and

when he had again attained a new height, the ferryboat had

left the shore and was making for the opposite bank. Raoul,

seeing that he could not arrive in time to cross the ferry

with the travelers, halted to wait for Olivain. At this

moment a shriek was heard that seemed to come from the

river. Raoul turned toward the side whence the cry had

sounded, and shaded his eyes from the glare of the setting

sun with his hand.

“Olivain!” he exclaimed, “what do I see below there?”

A second scream, more piercing than the first, now sounded.

“Oh, sir!” cried Olivain, “the rope which holds the

ferryboat has broken and the boat is drifting. But what do I

see in the water — something struggling?”

“Oh, yes,” exclaimed Raoul, fixing his glance on one point

in the stream, splendidly illumined by the setting sun, “a

horse, a rider!”

“They are sinking!” cried Olivain in his turn.

It was true, and Raoul was convinced that some accident had

happened and that a man was drowning; he gave his horse its

head, struck his spurs into its sides, and the animal, urged

by pain and feeling that he had space open before him,

bounded over a kind of paling which inclosed the landing

place, and fell into the river, scattering to a distance

waves of white froth.

“Ah, sir!” cried Olivain, “what are you doing? Good God!”

Raoul was directing his horse toward the unhappy man in

danger. This was, in fact, a custom familiar to him. Having

been brought up on the banks of the Loire, he might have

been said to have been cradled on its waves; a hundred times

he had crossed it on horseback, a thousand times had swum

across. Athos, foreseeing the period when he should make a

soldier of the viscount, had inured him to all kinds of

arduous undertakings.

“Oh, heavens!” continued Olivain, in despair, “what would

the count say if he only saw you now!”

“The count would do as I do,” replied Raoul, urging his

horse vigorously forward.

“But I — but I,” cried Olivain, pale and disconsolate

rushing about on the shore, “how shall I cross?”

“Leap, coward!” cried Raoul, swimming on; then addressing

the traveler, who was struggling twenty yards in front of

him: “Courage, sir!” said he, “courage! we are coming to

your aid.”

Olivain advanced, retired, then made his horse rear —

turned it and then, struck to the core by shame, leaped, as

Raoul had done, only repeating:

“I am a dead man! we are lost!”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

In the meantime, the ferryboat had floated away, carried

down by the stream, and the shrieks of those whom it

contained resounded more and more. A man with gray hair had

thrown himself from the boat into the river and was swimming

vigorously toward the person who was drowning; but being

obliged to go against the current he advanced but slowly.

Raoul continued his way and was visibly gaining ground; but

the horse and its rider, of whom he did not lose sight, were

evidently sinking. The nostrils of the horse were no longer

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre