Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

by his sister, who is now talking to that pretty person

yonder, near Monsieur Scarron.”

Raoul turned and saw two faces just arrived. One was

perfectly charming, delicate, pensive, shaded by beautiful

dark hair, and eyes soft as velvet, like those lovely

flowers, the heartsease, in which shine out the golden

petals. The other, of mature age, seemed to have the former

one under her charge, and was cold, dry and yellow — the

true type of a duenna or a devotee.

Raoul resolved not to quit the room without having spoken to

the beautiful girl with the soft eyes, who by a strange

fancy, although she bore no resemblance, reminded him of his

poor little Louise, whom he had left in the Chateau de la

Valliere and whom, in the midst of all the party, he had

never for one moment quite forgotten. Meantime Aramis had

drawn near to the coadjutor, who, smiling all the while,

contrived to drop some words into his ear. Aramis,

notwithstanding his self-control, could not refrain from a

slight movement of surprise.

“Laugh, then,” said Monsieur de Retz; “they are looking at

us.” And leaving Aramis he went to talk with Madame de

Chevreuse, who was in the midst of a large group.

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

Aramis affected a laugh, to divert the attention of certain

curious listeners, and perceiving that Athos had betaken

himself to the embrasure of a window and remained there, he

proceeded to join him, throwing out a few words carelessly

as he moved through the room.

As soon as the two friends met they began a conversation

which was emphasized by frequent gesticulation.

Raoul then approached them as Athos had directed him to do.

“‘Tis a rondeau by Monsieur Voiture that monsieur l’abbe is

repeating to me.” said Athos in a loud voice, “and I confess

I think it incomparable.”

Raoul stayed only a few minutes near them and then mingled

with the group round Madame de Chevreuse.

“Well, then?” asked Athos, in a low tone.

“It is to be to-morrow,” said Aramis hastily.

“At what time?”

“Six o’clock.”


“At Saint Mande.”

“Who told you?”

“The Count de Rochefort.”

Some one drew near.

“And then philosophic ideas are wholly wanting in Voiture’s

works, but I am of the same opinion as the coadjutor — he

is a poet, a true poet.” Aramis spoke so as to be heard by


“And I, too,” murmured the young lady with the velvet eyes.

“I have the misfortune also to admire his poetry


“Monsieur Scarron, do me the honor,” said Raoul, blushing,

“to tell me the name of that young lady whose opinion seems

so different from that of others of the company.”

“Ah! my young vicomte,” replied Scarron, “I suppose you wish

to propose to her an alliance offensive and defensive.”

Raoul blushed again.

“You asked the name of that young lady. She is called the

fair Indian.”

“Excuse me, sir,” returned Raoul, blushing still more

deeply, “I know no more than I did before. Alas! I am from

the country.”

“Which means that you know very little about the nonsense

which here flows down our streets. So much the better, young

man! so much the better! Don’t try to understand it — you

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will only lose your time.”

“You forgive me, then, sir,” said Raoul, “and you will deign

to tell me who is the person that you call the young


“Certainly; one of the most charming persons that lives —

Mademoiselle Frances d’Aubigne.”

“Does she belong to the family of the celebrated Agrippa,

the friend of Henry IV.?”

“His granddaughter. She comes from Martinique, so I call her

the beautiful Indian.”

Raoul looked surprised and his eyes met those of the young

lady, who smiled.

The company went on speaking of the poet Voiture.

“Monsieur,” said Mademoiselle d’Aubigne to Scarron, as if

she wished to join in the conversation he was engaged in

with Raoul, “do you not admire Monsieur Voiture’s friends?

Listen how they pull him to pieces even whilst they praise

him; one takes away from him all claim to good sense,

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre