Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

“What do you mean? Have you seen him lately?”

“He sent for me to-day.”

“Really! to speak to you about me?”

“Of what else do you imagine he would speak to me? Really,

my lord, you are his nightmare.”

The duke smiled with bitterness.

“Ah, La Ramee! if you would but accept my offers! I would

make your fortune.”

“How? you would no sooner have left prison than your goods

would be confiscated.”

“I shall no sooner be out of prison than I shall be master

of Paris.”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“Pshaw! pshaw! I cannot hear such things said as that; this

is a fine conversation with an officer of the king! I see,

my lord, I shall be obliged to fetch a second Grimaud!”

“Very well, let us say no more about it. So you and the

cardinal have been talking about me? La Ramee, some day when

he sends for you, you must let me put on your clothes; I

will go in your stead; I will strangle him, and upon my

honor, if that is made a condition I will return to prison.”

“Monseigneur, I see well that I must call Grimaud.”

“Well, I am wrong. And what did the cuistre [pettifogger]

say about me?”

“I admit the word, monseigneur, because it rhymes with

ministre [minister]. What did he say to me? He told me to

watch you.”

“And why so? why watch me?” asked the duke uneasily.

“Because an astrologer had predicted that you would escape.”

“Ah! an astrologer predicted that?” said the duke, starting

in spite of himself.

“Oh, mon Dieu! yes! those imbeciles of magicians can only

imagine things to torment honest people.”

“And what did you reply to his most illustrious eminence?”

“That if the astrologer in question made almanacs I would

advise him not to buy one.”

“Why not?”

“Because before you could escape you would have to be turned

into a bird.”

“Unfortunately, that is true. Let us go and have a game at

tennis, La Ramee.”

“My lord — I beg your highness’s pardon — but I must beg

for half an hour’s leave of absence.”


“Because Monseigneur Mazarin is a prouder man than his

highness, though not of such high birth: he forgot to ask me

to breakfast.”

“Well, shall I send for some breakfast here?”

“No, my lord; I must tell you that the confectioner who

lived opposite the castle — Daddy Marteau, as they called

him —- ”


“Well, he sold his business a week ago to a confectioner

from Paris, an invalid, ordered country air for his health.”

“Well, what have I to do with that?”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“Why, good Lord! this man, your highness, when he saw me

stop before his shop, where he has a display of things which

would make your mouth water, my lord, asked me to get him

the custom of the prisoners in the donjon. `I bought,’ said

he, `the business of my predecessor on the strength of his

assurance that he supplied the castle; whereas, on my honor,

Monsieur de Chavigny, though I’ve been here a week, has not

ordered so much as a tartlet.’ `But,’ I then replied,

`probably Monsieur de Chavigny is afraid your pastry is not

good.’ `My pastry not good! Well, Monsieur La Ramee, you

shall judge of it yourself and at once.’ `I cannot,’ I

replied; `it is absolutely necessary for me to return to the

chateau.’ `Very well,’ said he, `go and attend to your

affairs, since you seem to be in a hurry, but come back in

half an hour.’ `In half an hour?’ `Yes, have you

breakfasted?’ `Faith, no.’ `Well, here is a pate that will

be ready for you, with a bottle of old Burgundy.’ So, you

see, my lord, since I am hungry, I would, with your

highness’s leave —- ” And La Ramee bent low.

“Go, then, animal,” said the duke; “but remember, I only

allow you half an hour.”

“May I promise your custom to the successor of Father

Marteau, my lord?”

“Yes, if he does not put mushrooms in his pies; thou knowest

that mushrooms from the wood of Vincennes are fatal to my

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre