Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober

The tasty roast beef dinner was enjoyed by all, amid a lively exchange of banter among Tom, Bud, and the two girls. Later, Tom drew Bud aside and suggested that he take one of the Private Ear radios back with him to use during the Venus probe.

“Thanks, skipper. That’s a swell idea,” Bud said gratefully. “In my opinion, Astro-Dynamics’ equipment is inferior to Enterprises’ all down the line.”

Bud seemed happier than on his previous trips


back to Shopton. He told Tom he had made many good friends among the engineers and technicians on the Venus project.

“In fact, they’re all regular guys,” Bud said, but scowled as he added, “except Chippy Holbrook. No kidding-how I’m going to stand that guy all the way to Venus and back is beyond me!”

Tom tried to reassure his chum and Bud’s good humor returned. The next few hours were spent by the young people dancing and talking, and after a late snack, Bud declared he was ready to “take on Chippy Holbrook.”

Bud and Phyl stayed overnight at the Swift home. The next morning after breakfast, the young space pilot prepared to leave for Florida.

“Thanks for the bon voyage party,” Bud told Sandy. “It was swell.”

Sandy’s voice trembled a bit as she said, “Come back soon-and safely!”

Tom drove him to Enterprises to pick up the radio. Later, on the airfield, as they shook hands in farewell, Tom said:

“Keep in touch with me on the channel marked SE. And remember, fly-boy-if you need any help, I’ll come a-runnin’!”

“Thanks, pal.” Bud’s face became thoughtful. “You know, it might be a good idea if we use a few code words,” he went on, “so Holbrook won’t know everything we’re saying. It’s a cinch his ears will be flapping whenever we talk.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor