Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober


Jacques Gaspard is about to demonstrate his new machine for extracting helium from the atmosphere to a gathering of the world’s leading scientists.”

The TV camera dollied in on Gaspard himself, a hawk-faced man with spectacles and a ragged, dark mustache. He made a brief speech in French, pointing out the features of his invention.

“That phony!” Bud gritted. “His machine looks just like yours, Tom!”

His friend was too absorbed to comment. The whole group, including Mr. and Mrs. Swift, watched the screen closely as Gaspard threw a switch to start his machine in operation.

The helium was to be collected in a tank. Gaspard watched smugly, occasionally checking a valve or dial, amid murmurs of appreciation from his audience.

Suddenly there came a loud explosion! The picture quivered on the screen.

When it settled into focus again, the demonstration hall was in turmoil. The horrified viewers in the Swift living room saw that the helium machine had blown apart. Debris was scattered about and a number of people, including Gaspard, had been knocked off their feet.

“Something has gone wrong!” the television announcer was shouting above the screams of the audience. “That blast you heard was the machine blowing up!”


Later, the commentator reported that none of the injuries appeared to be serious, although all the victims were being rushed to a hospital.

“Exactly what I was afraid of, Dad,” Tom said grimly. “The machine failed to eliminate the carbon monoxide-just like my first design!”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor