Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober

Chief Slater informed Tom that Jackson seemed to be in a state of depression and still refused to answer questions. Tappan and Dunstan were also keeping a stubborn silence.

“Thanks, Chief,” Tom said gloomily. “Call us, please, if any one of them shows signs of opening up.”

“Sure thing,” Slater promised.

Tom accomplished little in his laboratory that afternoon. He was not only worn out from strain and lack of sleep due to the previous night’s adventure-he was also disturbed because Furster and his two thugs had eluded capture.

“If the police don’t find them, they’re sure to strike again,” Tom thought. “And what’s the connection between Furster and Open Door Jack, if any? That’s as much of a mystery as ever.”

Even before quitting time at the plant, Tom


locked up his lab and drove home. Mrs. Swift gave him a fond hug.

“Oh, Tom, I’m so glad you’re back safe again,” she murmured. “Not that I was really worried, but still-”

“I know,” Tom said affectionately, realizing the effort it cost his mother not to show her fears whenever her husband and son were exposed to danger. “It was pretty rough on you and Sandy. But Dad and I always manage to bounce out of a tight spot, somehow.”

He told her briefly how they had been kidnaped by Furster and kept imprisoned at his igloo laboratory. But he made no mention of Furster’s whispered orders to the guards to kill the Swifts later. No sense worrying her and Sandy needlessly, Tom told himself.

To celebrate her husband and son’s safe return, Mrs. Swift had prepared some of their favorite dishes, including steak pie and a delicious chocolate cake.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor