Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober

“Wowl” Tom slapped a hand to his forehead. “For a pun like that, I ought to break a few bones.”

Although reluctant to leave, Bud had to embark on his flight back to Florida a short time later. Tom watched him take off in a small jet plane from the Enterprises airfield.

By now it was almost closing time at the plant and Tom decided to go home.

He was tired from the day’s activities and the intense work session in his laboratory. Bud’s trouble with Chippy Holbrook also weighed on his mind.

Tom drove his sports car out through the main gate and headed toward the wooded shortcut to the Swift residence. Dusk was falling and the trees along the roadside cast deep pools of shadow across the pavement.

Tom switched on his headlights somewhat absent-mindedly. Suddenly he was roused from his thoughts by the insistent honking of a horn.


Tom glanced in his rear-view mirror. A heavy truck was bearing down on him fast. Yet the honking evidently was not coming from the truck-it sounded more like the horn of a car following close behind the truck.

The short hairs prickled on the back of Tom’s neck. He felt a strange premonition of danger.

“Oh-oh!” Tom gasped as his car suddenly began to sway and waver. Again it was refusing to respond to the wheel!

Tom acted with lightning swiftness. He jammed on the brakes and switched off the ignition. Then he flung himself across the seat, jumped out the door, and dashed into the field adjoining the road.

There was an earsplitting screech of brakes as the truck plowed to a dead stop, inches behind Tom’s car. He whirled, just in time to see the automobile which had been honking pull alongside the truck.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor