Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober

“Record or not, we’ve got them dead to rights on this job,” Chief Slater said.

“Neatest trick I


ever heard of, Tom, the way you captured them.”

The hijackers glared at the young inventor.

Tom returned their gaze coolly. “If they don’t care to talk now, let them take the full rap with Furster,” he suggested, hoping to trap them into an admission of guilt.

“You ain’t caught him yet, wise guy,” one of the prisoners snarled.

The other turned on his partner with a look of rage. “Shut up, you dope!”

Chief Slater chuckled. “Looks as if you scored again, Tom. Now at least we know who hired them.”

Neither of the prisoners would say another word. Slater ordered them booked and jailed.

Tom left and went back to work. When he arrived home that evening, Phyl Newton was in the living room with Sandy.

“Hil” Tom greeted the girls. “Good to see you, Phyl.”

She smiled and blushed slightly as Tom squeezed her arm. “I’m glad you didn’t have to stay at the plant and work late,” she said, “or you would have missed a surprise.”

“What is it?” Tom asked.

“Sandy has a guest coming to dinner,” said Mrs. Swift, who had just come into the room with her husband.

Sandra kept looking at her watch and casting


occasional anxious glances out the front window. “I had a phone call warning us our guest might be late,” she said.

Just then a car pulled into the drive. Presently the doorbell rang. “Must be one of Sandy’s close chums,” Tom thought, since the alarm buzzer had not sounded.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor