Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober

Bud made sure his friend had suffered no broken bones or other serious injury, then helped Tom to his feet. The young inventor’s face and his T shirt were smudged with dirt.

“What happened to your car?” Bud asked with a puzzled frown.

“Search me. The car went out of control all of a sudden,” Tom said. “Wouldn’t seem to answer the wheel. I’ll check right now.”

“Nothing doing, pal,” Bud retorted as Tom started toward the overturned sports car. “You’re going straight to sick bay and let Doc Simpson do the checking up.”

Overriding Tom’s protests, Bud guided him to the red convertible and helped him inside. Then, taking his own place at the wheel, Bud sped to Swift Enterprises. They passed through the main gate and pulled up outside the plant’s infirmary.

Dr. Simpson, the young medic of Enterprises, eyed Tom with a look of comic dismay as the two boys entered his office.

“Good grief, skipper!” he said, seeing Tom’s visible scrapes and bruises.

“You have a lab accident?”

Bud grinned. “No. He was just doing a somersault with his car. Kind of early in the morning to start cutting up, wouldn’t you say, Doc?”


Doc Simpson laughed. “Sure is. Anyway, I’m the one who’s supposed to do the cutting up around here.” He reached for a medical kit.

“Well, don’t start on me.” Tom chuckled. “All I have are a few black-and-blue marks.”

The physician examined Tom carefully and treated a few slight cuts, but said that otherwise he found the patient uninjured. Nevertheless, he ordered Tom to rest for an hour or two on a cot in one of the treatment rooms.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor