Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober

“Good point, Harlan,” Tom said. “We’ll check the ship for signs of sabotage before we take off. Meantime, how about contacting the Selland outfit in Sweden for a line on Furster? That’s the company which he claimed to represent.”

“I’ll do it right away,” Ames promised. “And remember now-watch yourselves!”

“Wilco!” Tom said and hung up.

The young inventor hurried back to rejoin his father. Mr. Swift had already decided on the need for extra caution and Tom found him still in the hangar, going over the helijet carefully.

“Those men wouldn’t stop at anything to gain their ends,” he said seriously.

The Swifts completed their checkout in half an hour, then took off on the flight back to Enterprises.

As soon as they landed at the plant, Tom said, “Dad, I’ll go see if Harlan has any news yet.”

“All right. Let me know if anything develops.”

Tom hopped into a jeep and sped to the security building. Ames was just putting down the telephone as Tom walked into his office.

“I finally got a transatlantic call through to Sweden,” Ames reported.

“Fortunately, the manager of the Selland Company speaks English.”


“What about Furster?” Tom asked eagerly.

“You were right-the company never heard of him. In fact, they have no agent in New York for radios or anything.”

“Another blank wall,” Tom remarked in disgust. “Furster’s whole story was a lie!”

He lunched with his father in their office. Mr. Swift inquired if Open Door Jack or the other police prisoners had done any talking yet.

“I was just wondering that myself, Dad,” Tom said, as he finished eating a chicken sandwich. “I’ll call police headquarters and find out.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor