Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober

He flicked open the cover of the case. Both Ames and Sergeant Camp gave a gasp of astonishment as they saw what was inside. Instead of ciga-NIPPING A PLOT 67

rettes, the case contained a tightly packed assembly of electronic parts!

“Apparently this thumb mechanism on top that looks like a lighter is what triggers it,” Tom said, fascinated.

Meantime, Mike had been searching the van and then the cab with a flashlight. He now reported that the truck was empty, except for a jack and a few other tools.

“Can we put our hands down?” the driver growled.

“All right,” Sergeant Camp said. “And while you’re at it, let’s see your driver’s license. You too,” he added to the tall man.

Both took out their wallets and complied. The driver’s name was William Tappan, his partner’s Raymond Dunstan. The sergeant returned the wallets without comment. “We’re taking you both to headquarters,” he said. “You’re under arrest for conspiracy and assault with a deadly weapon.”

“Deadly weapon!” the tall man exclaimed. “Are you talking about my cigarette case? How could a little gadget like that be deadly?”

“Tell us that at headquarters,” Tom said. “You seemed scared enough when I aimed it at you.”

“You can’t haul me in on that charge!” the driver snarled. “I never saw the thing before!”

“Carrying a concealed weapon without a per—


mit will do for a starter,” Sergeant Camp told him, “unless you can convince a judge you never saw that .38 before, either.”

The two officers hustled their prisoners into the police car. Ames volunteered to bring the truck. Tom would drive his own automobile.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor