Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober

“Hope yell excuse my poor manners,” the farmer said. “Come on inside, and Sarah will cook ye up the finest breakfast ye ever et.”

The Swifts gladly accepted the invitation. After washing and phoning to Mrs.

Swift, they sat down to an enormous farm-style breakfast.

The state troopers had offered to drive the Swifts to the nearest town, but the farmer brushed this aside. “I’ll drive ‘em plumb into New York to pick up their helicopter,” he insisted.

The trip in his very old car proved to be a long and bumpy one. But after stopping en route to buy clean shirts, Tom and his father finally arrived at the heliport. A message was waiting for them there. It read: Phone Shopton at once!



“SHALL I phone the plant, Dad?” Tom glanced at his father as the heliport clerk who had brought the message walked away.

Mr. Swift nodded. “Right, son. I’ll taxi the Duck out for take-off.”

Tom hurried to the heliport waiting room. He found a telephone booth, dropped in several coins, and dialed Enterprises. He asked for Harlan Ames. The security chief had already received a full police report of the Swifts’ kidnaping and escape.

“There was no one at Furster’s lab, skipper, when the state troopers arrived,”

Ames reported. “The two guards must have pulled out last night and warned Furster. At least he hasn’t shown up at his New York office this morning.”

“Have the police got it staked out?” Tom asked.

“Yes, every entrance to the office building will 134


be kept under surveillance. But the main reason I called, Tom, is to warn you and your dad to be careful on the way back here. Furster may be out for revenge.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor