Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober

The door slammed in their faces. The Swifts looked at each other and nearly burst out laughing. They sat down on the porch steps.

Within twenty minutes a police car with two state troopers in it arrived at the farmhouse. They introduced themselves as Callan and Jensen. The latter recognized the Swifts as soon as Tom and his father identified themselves. He had frequently seen pictures of the two famous inventors in the newspapers.

“How on earth did you get into a fix like this?” he asked.

Mr. Swift gave a quick account of their capture and imprisonment at Furster’s laboratory. When Tom described the escape of the two scientists in the flying igloo, the troopers gave a whistle of surprise and looked at each other.

“So that’s what started all the excitement!” Callan exclaimed. “Our post had a flock of calls last night from people who sighted some unidentified flying object in the moonlight.”

“We’ll report this right away,” Jensen said.

He jotted down the information which Tom and his father provided about the location of the laboratory site, and also Furster’s office address in New York.

“Our dispatcher will contact the New York police,” he promised, “and we’ll rush a squad car out to that lab-or what’s left of it. Also, we’ll THE FLYING IGLOO 133

notify the Air Force about that flying igloo, so that they can destroy it.”

He hurried off to make the call over his car radio. Meanwhile, the farmer and his wife had been standing in the doorway, listening wide-eyed to the whole conversation. Both were red-faced as they realized they had almost turned away two famous inventors.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor