Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober

Tom arrived home long after dinnertime, but found that his mother had kept some food hot in the oven. Not wanting to worry her, Tom said NIPPING A PLOT 71

nothing about the latest attack on him. But later he gave his father a full report.

Tom Sr., though inwardly upset, took the news with his usual calmness. “I know I don’t need to advise caution, son,” he said. “But this ray device makes it plain you’re up against a dangerous enemy-particularly because he’s evidently a clever scientist.”

Tom nodded grimly. “I know that, Dad. Don’t worry. I’ll watch my step.”

Later that evening, Bud Barclay phoned Sandy long distance from Florida.

Tom had already told her about Chippy Holbrook and his attempts to belittle Bud at every opportunity. He was pleased to hear his sister say: “Holbrook sounds like a complete drip. But never mind, Bud. I just know you’ll show him up sooner or later.”

The pilot chuckled. “Thanks, Sandy. With someone like you to boost my morale, how can I miss?”

After they had chatted a while, Sandy called to her brother, “Bud wants to speak to you.”

Tom picked up the receiver. “Hi, spaceman. How goes it?”

“That remains to be seen,” Bud answered. “Listen, skipper, I think I’ve stumbled onto something here that you should know about. But I don’t want to discuss it over the phone. I’ll fly up soon as I can, and tell you.”


Tom was puzzled but intrigued by his friend’s message. “Okay, Bud. Be seeing you.”

The next morning, when the young inventor reached his laboratory, he was confronted with another puzzle. He could not unlock the door, either with his usual electronic key or with a mechanical one which he also carried.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor