Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober

Durabuoy was an incredible foam material, much lighter than air, which Tom had developed


by forming Durastress into a myriad of tiny cells.

“How much do you suppose this aluminum igloo weighs, Dad?” Tom asked abruptly.

“Mm. Under ten thousand pounds I’d say.”

“Check. Now look at the way it’s anchored,” Tom went on, pointing toward the base of the laboratory wall. “Just bolted down on a concrete floor slab.”

Mr. Swift listened with quiet interest as Tom explained his plan. His face broke into a smile.

“Terrific idea, son! Let’s get started!”

The two Swifts set to work like beavers. They continued on through the night and into the next day, breaking only for catnaps and the meals handed to them at gunpoint.

While Tom carried out the chemical process for producing Durabuoy, Mr.

Swift constructed an imposing-looking radio chassis. Much of the time he kept the speaker volume tuned loud, purposely making the signal crackle with static or fade so the guards would think the set was not yet perfected. Neither Bruggin nor Howard showed any scientific interest in the Swifts’ work.

“I’ll bet they’re afraid we might jump them,” Tom whispered with a chuckle.

“We’re lucky they haven’t grown inquisitive,” Mr. Swift agreed. “By the way, I wonder how long Furster will stay away?”

“Long enough, I hope,” Tom said grimly.


As Bruggin handed in their supper the second evening, he asked, “When are you two geniuses gonna be done with that radio?”

“By morning we’ll be all set,” Tom told him.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor