Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober

Franklin spread out several blueprints and de—


scribed a nuclear-powered ion-thrust ship already in the final testing stages.

“Our problem now,” said Clarke, “is getting an experienced astronaut. Torn Swift would be our first choice, but we know he’s too busy. Therefore we’d like to borrow Bud Barclay.”

Bud drew in a long breath. He was completely flabbergasted by the offer.

Tom, too, was speechless.

Mr. Swift smiled and looked understandingly at the young flier. “Bud, it’s up to you.”

Tom quickly mastered his own disappointment and said gamely, “It’s a terrific challenge, pal!”

Bud gulped uncomfortably. “I-I don’t know what to say. I’d like to think it over, sir.”

Mr. Swift glanced at his watch. “Suppose we give you our answer after lunch,” he suggested.

The others were agreeable, and the meeting broke up. As they ate lunch at a hotel, Bud and the Swifts discussed the situation.

“Frankly, I’d rather not take the job,” Bud said bluntly. “Sure, it’s exciting, but I consider myself a Swift man-first, last, and always.”

Tom grinned at him. “Thanks, Bud. I’m glad you feel that way, but don’t let it stop you. This would be an honor-a chance to skipper the greatest space flight so far.”

“Tom’s right,” added Mr. Swift. “We appreciate your loyalty, but this program is in our nation’s interest.”


Bud beamed excitedly. By the time lunch was over, he had agreed to accept Astro-Dynamics’ offer. His decision brought smiles and handshakes that afternoon at NASA headquarters.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor