Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober



“I still say, don’t risk it,” Bud insisted.

Tom considered a moment. “Let’s leave it to the girls and their feminine intuition,” he said with a grin.

The boys returned to their table and Tom revealed the situation calmly to Sandy and Phyl. The girls were alarmed and puzzled.

“Maybe Bud’s right,” said Sandy, after they had read the note and heard Bud’s opinion. “Why not leave the helicopter at the field, Tom? We can call a taxi-or even rent a car.”

“Where would we rent a car at this time of night way up here?” asked Tom.

“Simple. Just call this number.” Sandy handed him a card. “A man came around while you two were gone and left one of these at each table.”

The card read:

cars for hire

Any time of day or night 24-Hour Service

There was a telephone number at the bottom.

Tom glanced at the card, then handed it to Bud, as he looked sharply at his sister. “Where’s the fellow who left this, Sis?”

Both girls peered around the room.

“Guess he’s gone,” Sandy said. “I didn’t pay much attention to him.”

Suddenly she noticed Tom’s suspicious expression. “Oh, my good-ANOTHER AMBUSH? 33

ness! You don’t suppose this was all part of the plot?”

“If I have an enemy,” Tom said evenly, “he may want me on the road in a rented car so he can attack me.”

“I’ll bet you’ve hit it right on the button, skipper,” Bud said. “So in that case what do we do? We still can’t be positive the warning about the copter wasn’t on the level.”

Sandy’s blue eyes met Phyl’s brown ones in a look of fear.

“Is it even safe to go back to the airfield?” Sandy asked nervously.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor