Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober



WITH his mind still on his work, Tom stared at the quivering cowpoke.

“Fireworks! Chow, what are you talking about?”

Chow grabbed Tom by the arm. “Come see for yourself, boss!” the cook begged. “Brand my space spinach, it’s plumb spooky! Either the galley’s haunted, or them Martian pals o’ yours is playin’ some kinda joke on us!” Chow was referring to the Swifts’ mysterious friends from Planet X with whom the Swifts had been in communication for many months.

Tom and Chow ran down the corridor to the private galley. At the cook’s request, it had been installed in the lab building so he could “whomp up” special meals for his beloved young boss whenever Tom was hard at work on a new invention.

In the doorway of the galley the young inventor 39


halted in amazement. Tiny explosions of hissing vapor were popping out across the whole length of the room-each one making a noisy report like a small firecracker! The ghostly stuff seemed to be materializing out of nowhere!

“Good night! You weren’t kidding, Chowl” Tom gasped. “Spectral fireworks!”

“You mean spooks is causin’ it?” Chow gulped, turning paler than ever.

“Well, I didn’t mean that exactly-but I agree, it certainly does look spooky.”

Tom shook his head in total bafflement.

The “fireworks” were dancing not only in midair, but also from the top of the range, the cabinets, and the wall surfaces. Tom noticed that the vapor explosions appeared to be spaced equal distances apart. As the explanation suddenly occurred to him, the young inventor burst into laughter.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor