Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober

“Right, skipper. It could mean they’re related. If so, that might be the reason for Jack slipping Gaspard the plans of your helium machine.”

Tom mulled this over. “And you think Jack is the one who’s been trying to harm me-maybe out of revenge because Gaspard’s Paris experiment failed?”

Ames nodded. “Could be.”

“Is Jack friendly with Tappan or Dunstan?”

“I don’t know yet, but I intend to find out,” Ames answered. “Incidentally, we found no fingerprints on that scrap of paper about the hydrogen. But we did find out that the tank was brought to the plant by a phony delivery truck-we learned that from the company whose name


the driver used, but there are no leads yet on who drove it.”

“And I’m still wondering how the helium-machine plans were relayed from Enterprises,” Tom brooded. “But I have an idea on that, Har-lan. The camera business gave it to me. I’ll let you know when I figure it out.”

The telephone rang. Mr. Swift, who had been listening to the conversation with keen interest, picked up the receiver.

“Swift speaking.” Suddenly his deep-set blue eyes turned toward Tom. He broke off and cupped his hand over the instrument. “Son, this is a Mr. Furster-the man who’s going to demonstrate that new radio to Astro-Dynamics. He has heard we’re interested and would like to show it to us I”



AN OFFER to show the radio which Bud suspected had been pirated from Tom’s Private Ear set! “What a break!” Tom thought. Aloud he said, “When can we see Mr. Furster?”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor