Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober

“Maybe I can improve the antenna design, too,” he said to himself.

The radio chassis soon stood stripped on the laboratory workbench while Tom frowningly studied the wave patterns flashing on an oscil-104 MEGASCOPE SPACE PROBER

loscope. He worked on steadily through the afternoon. By quitting time he felt he had corrected the trouble.

That evening Tom ate a hearty roast beef dinner. Then he played a few fast sets of Ping-pong with Sandy in the recreation room, finished a mystery novel he had been reading, and went to bed early.

“Dad was right,” Tom thought as he changed into pajamas. “That moon jaunt really snapped me out of the doldrums-even if we did have a close call with a meteor!”

The next morning after a quick shower Tom felt ready to tackle anything, including the job of rebuilding his megascope space prober.

“Hope it doesn’t take me too long to put the lab back in shape,” he remarked to his father at the breakfast table.

“I’ll stop by there with you,” Mr. Swift said. “Perhaps I can give you a hand.”

Tom and his father drove to the plant together, and parked outside the gleaming glass-walled laboratory building. In the corridor Tom beamed his electronic key at the new door lock. It buzzed in response and Tom opened the door. But the two had barely stepped inside when Tom stopped in amazement.

The laboratory was in perfect order!

“D-dad! What happened?” Tom stammered. “I


mean, there’s no trace of the explosionl” He looked around questioningly at his father.

Mr. Swift wore a smile. “Forgive me, son. I couldn’t resist coming along to enjoy your reaction. Hank, Arv, Chow, and I decided to do a quick cleanup while you were gone. Of course we had plenty of help on some of the repairs.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor