Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober

In other words, he would need to project, not one, but two radio signals at the same time. Tom grabbed a pencil and began sketching out the circuit diagrams.

“The precise tuning to carry out this idea will be a real challenge!” he thought.

“I’d better go take a look at the prober and get a clear picture in my mind of the whole setup.”

Hank Sterling and Arv Hanson had delivered on schedule the full-scale model of his anti-inverse-square-wave generator. The huge directional antenna had been taken to the Swifts’ private observatory atop Enterprises’ main building, where it would be mounted on a rotating pedestal.

The wave generator was enclosed in a boxlike console, which also contained the high-gain amplifier and helium-extraction machine. Tom unscrewed the back panel of the console and inspected the workmanship.

“Neat job,” he observed. “But I’ll need a bigger housing for the whole deal.”

Tom went back to his lab and tackled the job of altering the generator to provide for his new “wave-terminal technique.” This was the label he had mentally given the newest part of his megascope space prober.

The young inventor worked on steadily


through lunchtime and into the afternoon. He was just checking the final circuits when Bud Barclay walked into the laboratory.

“Hi, skipper!”

Tom started up in surprise. “Hi, you old rocket hot-shot!” he exclaimed warmly. “I didn’t expect to see you again so soon!”

“They’re letting me play hooky while they check out the telemetering equipment,” Bud said. “What gives with your space prober?”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor