Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober

This could be your greatest invention yet, Tom.”

Tom flushed with pleasure at the praise. “Thanks, Dad, but it’s a long way from being worked out.”

“Got a name for this Mighty Eye?” Bud asked Tom.

“I’ve decided to call it a megascope space prober,” the young inventor said thoughtfully.


” ‘Mega’ stands for ‘million’-or at least ‘much greater’-and ‘scope’ stands for ‘seeing’ or ‘viewing.’ “

“Whew!” Bud gave an awed whistle. “Seeing a million times farther than ever before! Nice going, Tom!”

The wall phone rang and Mr. Swift, being closest, answered. The boys saw a look of excitement flash over his face as he took the message.

“We’ll be there, sir!” Mr. Swift said, just before hanging up.

“Long distance?” Tom asked.

“Yes, son, from Washington. Boys, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has just invited the three of us to attend a conference tomorrow morning to discuss a manned government space probe to Venus!”

“Venus? Wow!” Bud leaped to his feet.

Tom’s eyes lighted up with interest as he and his father exchanged glances.

Was there a chance Swift Enterprises would get the assignment?



THE next day Tom ate a hurried breakfast, kissed his mother and Sandy good-by, and drove to the plant with his father. Both shared a feeling of stifled excitement. If the Swifts were assigned the manned space flight to Venus, it would be the most daring venture they had ever undertaken 1

Bud met them on the Enterprises airfield, eager for the trip ahead. A Swift jet plane stood ready for take-off on the runway, and within half an hour they were landing in Washington.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor