Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober

Presently Clarke and Franklin came hurrying up to the camera from one of the control blockhouses.

“Here they are, Tom!” Kane said, then held out his microphone to John Clarke.

The president of Astro-Dynamics looked haggard with strain. “I take it you already know what’s happened, Tom?” he asked bluntly.

“I know they’re in orbit and calling for assistance,” Tom replied. “What are the details?”


“We scarcely know ourselves,” Clarke admitted. “The ship’s completely out of control. It won’t respond to telemetered guidance and Hoi-brook seems unable to maneuver the capsule manually.”

“Any objection to my taking over the rescue operation?” Tom asked.

The faces of Clarke and Franklin showed their relief clearly.

“None at all, Tom,” the president said with an eager note of hope. “We’ll be eternally grateful if you can get those men down safely!”

“Okay. Stand by and we’ll keep you posted. I’m signing off for now,” Tom added.

He darted to the observatory wall phone and began issuing a stream of orders. First he contacted Slim Davis on Fearing Island, telling him to round up a crew and prepare the Challenger for immediate take-off.

“Roger! She’ll be ready when you get here!”

Then Tom called Hank Sterling to inquire about progress on the duplicate model of the megascope. When Hank reported it completely assembled, Tom asked him to have it trucked out to the airfield for loading aboard a cargo jet.

Next, he alerted Doc Simpson that his services might be needed and requested him to fly to the Florida missile base immediately. A final call to Hangar C brought a promise that a ship would be waiting on the runway for the hop to Fearing.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor