Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 20 – And His Megascope Space Prober

Mr. Swift and Tom ate hastily and returned to work. Several hours later two large Durabuoy spheres had taken shape. To these Tom attached handgrips, while Mr. Swift unscrewed the igloo’s floor bolts, except for two on opposite sides of the structure to hold it down. Then they started up the Durabuoy producer at full speed, beginning to fill the top of the dome with little vacuum-filled spheres-each one very effective because of the great strength of Durastress.

Tense moments went by as father and son waited for enough Durastress to be pumped out into the lab’s air space. Would Tom’s daring plan succeed?

If not, the Swifts knew they were doomed I



TOM’S eyes flicked back and forth from his wrist watch to the pressure dials on the machines. He had mentally calculated the amount of Durabuoy needed to lift the weight of the aluminum igloo.

“Should be about ready, Dad!” he whispered. “Let’s unscrew those last two floor bolts.”

Mr. Swift nodded, a smile of excitement playing about his lips.

“Dad’s actually enjoying this tight spot we’re in!” Tom thought with admiration.

He and his father picked up wrenches and moved to opposite sides of the laboratory. Tom had attached a Durabuoy sphere by a bracket to the wall above each of the two remaining floor bolts.

At that moment came a pounding on the door. “Hey! What’s up?” Howard demanded.



The noise of air being forced out of the dome had evidently alerted the guards!

The Swifts were dismayed. Were they about to be trapped within seconds of escaping?

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Categories: Appleton, Victor