HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

‘And innocence,’ added Waylander.

‘Yes. It is always a cause of sadness when it passes. I did not take a wrong turn, Dakeyras. I wanted to speak with you.’

‘I am here. Speak.’

‘I am sorry for the death of your people. It was not my doing.’

‘Just an unfortunate coincidence,’ said Waylander.

Eldicar sighed. ‘I will not lie to you. My people have formed an alliance with . . . another powerful group. Such is the way of war. What I am saying is that I did not bring the beasts to your palace.’

‘What is it you seek here?’ asked Waylander. ‘This is not rich land.’

‘Perhaps not. But it is ours. It was once ruled by my people. We were temporarily defeated by force of arms. We retreated. Now we are coming back. There is nothing overtly evil in this. It is just human. We want what is ours by right, and are willing to fight for it. The question for you is, is this your fight? You are not a native of Kydor. You have a fine palace, servants and the freedom only riches can supply. That will not change. You are a strong and deadly man, but whether for us or against us you can make no discernible difference to the outcome.’

‘Then why concern yourself with my friendship?’

‘Partly because I like you,’ the magicker smiled, ‘andpartly because you killed the Bezha. Not many men could have done that. Our cause is not unjust, Dakeyras. This was our land, and it is the way of man to fight for what he believes is just. You agree?’

Waylander shrugged. ‘It is said that this land was once below the sea. Does the sea own it? Men hold what they are strong enough to hold. If you can take this land, then take it. But I will think on what you have said.’

‘Don’t take too long,’ advised Eldicar Manushan. He turned to follow his page to the beach, then swung back. ‘Did you find the body of the priestess?’

‘I found the body of a creature not human,’ said Way-lander.

Eldicar Manushan stood silently for a moment. ‘She was a Joining. A failed experiment, full of bitterness and hatred. My own lord, Deresh Karany, invested much time and passion in her training. She betrayed him.’

‘And he sent the demons?’

Eldicar spread his hands. ‘I am only a servant. I do not know all my master’s plans.’ He strolled away.

Waylander sat for some time outside the apartments. He was a hunter, trained to follow his prey and kill it. This situation was far more subtle, and infinitely more dangerous.

Added to which there was another player in the game, who had not yet shown himself.

Who was Deresh Karany?

During the next three days life in the palace began to return to a semblance of normality. The servants were still nervous, and many purchased ward-charms from stallholders in Carlis, hanging them upon the doors of their rooms, or around their necks. The temple was filled daily with new converts, all anxious to be blessed by Chardyn and the three other priests.

Chardyn himself spent hours every day poring over scrolls and learning, as best he could, the ancient spells said to be useful against demonic possession and manifestation. He also removed an ornate box, hidden below the altar. From this he took two items: a golden ring with a carved carnelian stone at the centre, and a talismanic necklet, both said to have been blessed by the great Dardalion, first Abbot of the Thirty. ‘You are a hypocrite,’ he told himself, as he looped the necklet over his head.

In the palace hospital many of the wounded soldiers died in agony, despite the use of the crystal supplied to the two surgeons by Waylander. Neither of the men was as skilled as Mendyr Syn. But others survived. They were visited daily by the Duke, and offered encouragement. The crippled were assured they would receive good pensions and parcels of land back near the capital.

Little was seen of Waylander during this time, and all callers to the palace were greeted by Emrin, who informed them that the Gentleman was not in residence.

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Categories: David Gemmell