HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

‘What enemies?’ put in Kysumu.

‘Anharat’s demons – and the sorcerers of Kuan-Hador.’

‘I have read the legends of Anharat,’ said Kysumu. ‘The Lord of Demons. I recall he was cast from the world after a war. I believe he had a brother who aided humankind.’

‘The brother was Emsharas,’ said Ustarte, ‘and it is true that he sided with humanity. Great were the heroes who fought against Anharat. Mighty men, men of principle and courage. These were the men of Kuan-Hador.’

‘I do not understand,’ put in Kysumu. ‘If these men were heroes, why do we fear their return?’

‘Man never learns lessons from the past,’ she said. ‘It is his curse. My people and I have been trying to discover some evidence of the Great War. What we have found is that there was not one war but two. The first – let us call it the Demon War – saw great horror and devastation. Only when Emsharas aided the humans did the tide begin to turn. But that aid carried within it the seeds of Kuan-Hador’s downfall. In order to defeat the enemy the rebel demon lord, Emsharas, gave the lords of Kuan-Hador instruction in the most arcane secrets of meld-magic. Warriors were enhanced, blended with the power of beasts; panthers, lions, wolves and bears. And they won. Anharat’s demon legions were expelled from the world. Kuan-Hador was mankind’s saviour.’

‘How then did they become evil?’ asked Kysumu.

‘By taking one small step at a time towards the dark,’ she answered. ‘For a little while the world knew peace and tranquillity, under the city’s benevolent rule. The people of Kuan-Hador were proud of what they had achieved. Yet it had cost them greatly. They asked other nations to help bear that cost, and huge amounts of gold and silver were despatched to the city. The following year they asked for more. Several nations refused. The proud lords of Kuan-Hador decided that this refusal was an affront to the world’s saviours, and sent their armies to plunder those nations. Kuan-Hador had moved from benevolent rule to tyranny. They had saved mankind, therefore – so they believed – they had earned the right to rule. Nations that rose against them were considered treacherous, and were crushed mercilessly by the Kriaz-nor, the meld-legions.

This was the beginning of the second war – what is now termed the Great War. At first it was man against man. Kuan-Hador was powerful, yet it was but a city state and its resources were finite. By this time Emsharas was gone from the world, but his descendants aided the rebels. Slowly they began to force back the Kriaz-nor legions. In desperation the rulers of Kuan-Hador allied themselves with Anharat, opening portals to allow his demon warriors to return to the world.’ She fell silent and stood staring out over the bay.

‘Yet they were still defeated,’ said Kysumu.

‘Yes, they were,’ she said softly. ‘The rebels created their own legions – the Riaj-nor, men of noble hearts and great courage, wielding weapons of power. The Rajnee are the last embers of that fine order, and it seems, Kysumu, that of them all only you have been drawn here. Where once were legions there is now only a single warrior and a wounded labourer.’ She sighed, then continued her tale. ‘The Great War ended here, the survivors of Kuan-Hador retreating through a portal to another world. The city was destroyed by fire, and a sorcerer – or, perhaps, a group of sorcerers – laid powerful spells upon the portal, sealing it against the return of the enemy. These spells have endured the passing of the centuries. Now they are fading. The gateway will soon open fully, allowing legions of Kriaz-nor to invade this land. At the moment it is merely flickering, and only a few can cross. The sorcerers who once protected it are long dead, as are the original Riaj-nor. There is now no power in this world to defeat them if they come in force, which is why I had hoped to replicate the original spell and cast it once more. But there are no clues to be found. There are riddles, verses and garbled legends, none of which is helpful. My last hope now rests with Yu Yu and the spirit of Qin Chong.’ She swung to Kysumu. ‘It seems that the Rajnee swords retain their magic. Why, then, are more of your comrades not here to fight?’

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Categories: David Gemmell