HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

‘What is going on?’ shouted Omri, his face grey with fear.

‘Demons . . . are here,’ said Yu Yu, levering himself up. Blood began to soak through the bandage on his shoulder.

Omri backed away from the mist, towards the door through which he had entered only moments before. Emrin saw that the old man was trembling uncontrollably. ‘Steady, my friend,’ he whispered.

‘Must get out,’ said Omri.

The mist was rising steadily now, the temperature dropping fast. Gaspir and Naren also moved back from the table, blades in hand. Keeva reached out and hefted a long carving knife, balancing it in her hand.

‘We have to run!’ cried Omri, his voice quavering. Emrin swung towards him. The old man turned and moved towards the other door. Emrin was about to follow him when he saw a faint, swirling mist seeping beneath the frame. Omri was almost at the door. The guard sergeant shouted after him: ‘Don’t, Omri! The mist . . .’

He was too late. Omri yanked at the latch. As the door swung inward white mist enveloped the old man. A massive taloned arm slashed out, crunching through bone and sending a bloody spray across the dining table. A second blow smashed Omri’s skull to shards.

Emrin hurled himself at the door, slamming it shut and dropping the latch – even as Omri’s lifeless body hit the floor. There was a thundering crash, and a panel on the door split. Emrin drew his own sword and backed away towards the centre of the room.

Another crash came from the second door. Yu Yu staggered forward, then fell. Emrin grabbed his arm, hauling him to his feet. The page, Beric, had ceased his screaming, and was now cowering on the bench. Keeva ran to him. She reached out for him, but he squirmed away and ran back to where the others waited. The youth, Niallad, drew his dagger, then placed his hand on the little boy’s shoulder. ‘Be brave, Beric. We will protect you,’ he said, but his voice was fearful, his hands trembling. The page crouched down and crept under the table. Norda was already there, her hands over her face.

Icy mist swirled across the stone floor. The right-hand door gave way and a wall of mist swept across the room. Yu Yu’s sword came up. Blue lightning lanced through the mist, leaping and crackling. A terrible cry of pain came from within the icy fog.

‘Lift up your sword!’ Yu Yu told Emrin. The guard sergeant did so, and Yu Yu touched his own blade to it. Instantly blue fire flowed from one weapon to the other. ‘You too!’ Yu Yu ordered Gaspir and Naren. Their blades also began to flicker. ‘It will not last long,’ said Yu Yu. ‘Attack now!’

For a moment only they hesitated, then Emrin charged the mist, swinging his sword into it. Lightning crackled -and the mist retreated further. Gaspir and Naren joined him. A huge white form leapt from the mist, cannoning into the black-bearded Gaspir, who was hurled from his feet. Naren panicked and tried to run. As the bodyguard turned the beast swung its arm. Keeva saw Naren arch backwards, talons punching through his back and exiting from his chest. Blood exploded from the dying man’s mouth. Emrin ran in, slamming his sword into the beast’s belly, and ripping the blade up through its chest. It let out a bellow of pain and hurled Naren’s body away. Then it turned on Emrin. Keeva lifted her arm and hurled the carving knife across the room. As the beast loomed over Emrin the blade slashed into its eye socket, plunging deep. At that moment Yu Yu Liang staggered forward and swung the Rajnee sword. It sliced deep into the hairless white neck, cutting through muscle and bone. The great beast toppled sideways, striking the table and overturning it.

The mist shrank back, sliding across the floor and vanishing under the far doorway.

The temperature in the room began to rise. Gaspir pushed himself to his feet and gathered up his sword. It was no longer gleaming. A faint and fading blue light still shone on Yu Yu’s blade. Yu Yu had fallen to his knees and was breathing heavily. The wound in his shoulder had opened up badly. Blood had soaked through the bandage and was flowing over his bare chest. Emrin moved to his side. ‘Hold on, yellow man,’ he said softly. ‘Let me get you to a chair.’

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Categories: David Gemmell