HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

‘Well, I don’t feel it!’ called Benae Tarlin.

‘Nor can you while you hide,’ Chardyn told him. ‘Your son slipped down that cliff last year, and you climbed down to the ledge to rescue him. He clung to your back and you felt you did not have the strength to carry him clear. We have talked of this, Benae. You prayed for the strength to bring your son to safety. And you did so. Did you sit upon that cliff and call out for the Source to raise your boy on a magical cloud? No. You set off in faith and your faith was rewarded.

‘I tell you now that the Source waits. He waits with power greater than any magicker. You want to see that power – then walk with me to the palace of the Grey Man. We will find the magicker. And we will destroy him.’

‘If we march with you,’ asked another man, ‘do you promise the Source will be with us?’

‘With us and within us,’ said Chardyn. ‘I pledge it upon my life.’

Three-swords was standing by the window, looking out over the bay, when he caught what seemed to be a flash of light on one of the lower terraces. He stepped out on to the balcony and peered at the area below. Two human guards were walking down the steps. They were heading in the direction from which the light came. Three-swords relaxed and went back into the library.

Iron-arm was stretched out on a long bench. Stone-four and Long-stride were sitting at the base of the stairs. There had been no screams from the upper chamber for some time. Three-swords did not like the sound of screams, especially from young females. He had little stomach for cruelty. In battle you fought an enemy and killed it. You did not set out to make it suffer. Iron-arm strolled across to join him. ‘The magicker is on his way back,’ said Iron-arm. Three-swords nodded. He had not yet scented the man, but Iron-arm was never wrong. Then Three-swords caught the scent. It was faintly acrid, the scent of fear.

The black-bearded magicker came up the stairs and stopped. He stared at the circular steps leading to the upper chamber. Then he moved to a seat and slumped down, rubbing his eyes. ‘All is quiet out there,’ he said to Three-swords.

The warrior knew he was merely making conversation in a bid to delay his return to Deresh Karany. ‘So far,’ said Three-swords.

Iron-arm rose suddenly and strode to the window.

‘Blood,’ he said, opening his mouth and drawing in a hiss of air over his tongue. ‘Human blood.’ Three-swords and Long-stride joined him instantly.

Three-swords closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. Yes. He could just taste it on the air. He turned to Eldicar Manushan. ‘At least one man is bleeding heavily.’

Two,’ said Iron-arm. ‘And there is something else.’ His broad nostrils flared. ‘It is very faint. But. . . yes . . . big cat. Lion, maybe. No. Not a lion – a meld.’

‘Ustarte!’ whispered Eldicar Manushan. He backed away from the window, then swung to Stone-four and Long-stride. ‘Get out there. Find her. Kill anyone with her.’

‘It might be better to stay together,’ said Three-swords.

‘This Waylander must not reach the tower,’ said Eldicar Manushan. ‘Do as I say.’

‘Move warily,’ Three-swords told Long-stride and Stone-four. ‘This human is a hunter and a canny fighter. He uses a crossbow that shoots two bolts.’

The two warriors descended the staircase. Eldicar Manushan sat down. The smell of fear was strong on him now, and Three-swords joined Iron-arm at the window. ‘The cat-woman is sick,’ said Iron-arm, ‘or weak. I cannot tell which. She is out of sight, just below those gardens. She has not moved.’

‘Can you scent any humans?’

‘No – only the wounded or dead. I would think they are dead, for there is no movement or sound from them.’

From where they stood they saw Long-stride and Stone-four emerge into the gardens. Stone-four was moving swiftly, but Long-stride tapped him on the shoulder, ordering him to slow down.

‘They won’t surprise Long-stride,’ said Iron-arm. ‘He’s careful.’

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Categories: David Gemmell