HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

‘It looks peaceful now,’ said Yu Yu Liang.

The Grey Man heeled the steeldust forward and rode out on to the slope. The horses placed their hoofs warily on the scree-covered trail, moving with care. At the rear Yu Yu was growing hot, and undid the brass clasp of his wolfskin cloak, intending to place it over his saddle pommel. The wolfskin fluttered up, alarming the grey mare, who reared and leapt from the trail directly on to the steep slope below. Immediately she began to slide, dropping her haunches. ‘Keep her head up!’ yelled the Grey Man.

Yu Yu did his best – and the descent continued at breakneck speed. The mare fought for balance on the sliding scree, righted herself then, still panicked, began to run. Yu Yu clung on in frightened desperation as the descent continued in a cloud of dust. He was almost unseated twice as the mare lurched. Dropping the reins, Yu Yu grabbed the saddle pommel.

The grey mare slowed and stood on trembling legs, steam snorting from her nostrils. Gingerly Yu Yu patted her neck, then gathered up the reins. As the dust cleared he saw they had reached the plain. Turning in the saddle he saw the Grey Man and Kysumu high above, still picking their way down the slope. Yu Yu’s heart was thudding in his chest, and he felt light-headed.

Some minutes later the Grey Man rode up. ‘You should step down now and let the mare rest,’ he said.

Yu Yu nodded, tried to move, and let out a grunt. ‘I can’t,’ he said. ‘My legs won’t work. They seem to be stuck to saddle.’

‘The muscles of your inner thigh have been overstretched,’ said the Grey Man. ‘It is a common problem for new riders.’ He dismounted then moved alongside Yu Yu. ‘Just topple and I will catch you.’

With another grunt Yu Yu leant to his left. The Grey Man took hold of his arm and eased him down. Once on flat ground Yu Yu felt a little better, but it was difficult to walk. Rubbing his tortured muscles he grinned up at the Grey Man. ‘My cloak frightened her,’ he said.

‘She is none the worse for it,’ said the Grey Man. ‘But this must be a lucky day for you. If she had fallen and rolled that pommel would have ruptured your spleen.’

Kysumu rode up, carrying Yu Yu’s cloak. ‘Did you see my ride?’ asked Yu Yu.

The grey-garbed Rajnee nodded. ‘It was very impressive,’ he said, stepping from the saddle. He half drew his sword again, gazing at the blade. It remained silver steel, with not a hint of unearthly radiance.

‘Maybe they have gone,’ said Yu Yu hopefully.

‘We shall see,’ answered Kysumu.

Having tethered the horses the Grey Man and Kysumu began to scout the ruins. Yu Yu, his thighs still throbbing, wandered to the remains of what had once been a large house, and sat down upon a ruined wall. It was hot here, and the events of the day – the love-making, the fight, and the wild ride down the slope – had sapped his energy. He yawned and glanced around for the others. The Grey Man was some way to the east, climbing over a pile of ruins. Yu Yu could not see Kysumu.

Removing his sword-belt he lay down in the shade, rolled his cloak for a pillow, and dozed.

He awoke with a start as Kysumu climbed over the low wall.

Yu Yu felt curiously disorientated. Rising to his feet he stared around the ruins. ‘Where is he?’ he asked.

‘The Grey Man has ridden further to the east to scout the woods.’

‘No, not him. The man with the golden robe.’ Yu Yu walked to the wall and peered out over the plain.

‘You were dreaming,’ said Kysumu.

‘I suppose I must have been,’ agreed Yu Yu. ‘He was asking me questions and I had no answers.’

Kysumu pulled the stopper from a leather water-bag and drank sparingly. Then he passed it to Yu Yu.

‘No demons, then?’ said Yu Yu happily.

‘No, but there is something here. I can feel it.’

‘Something . . . evil?’ asked Yu Yu nervously.

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Categories: David Gemmell