HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

In his own way Aric had been good to her, allowing her to keep the gifts her lovers bestowed. Within a few years Lalitia was close to wealthy. Aric even gave his blessing when she married the old merchant Kendar. He died within a year. Lalitia was overjoyed. Now she could have the life she had always desired. Kendar’s wealth should have been enough for two lifetimes. Except that Kendar’s wealth had been bogus. He died massively in debt, and once more Lalitia found herself surviving on her wits and her physical charms.

Her second husband had the bad grace not to die, despite being over seventy when she married him. This had necessitated drastic action. The thought of poisoning him occurred to her, but she dismissed it. He was a pleasant enough man, even kind. Instead Lalitia fed him a diet spiced with powerfully aphrodisiac herbs, acquired at great cost. When he finally expired, the surgeon summoned to pronounce him dead could not fail to remark that he had never seen a happier corpse.

Lalitia was now truly rich.

And set about becoming poor with a speed that beggared belief. She began with a series of investments in merchant enterprises, all of which failed, then bought land, which she was convinced would multiply in value. It fell sharply. One day her dressmaker sent a message to say that no further clothes would be forthcoming unless all bills were paid. Lalitia was amazed to discover she had no funds to cover the debt.

She had contacted Aric, who once more made use of her services.

Now, at thirty-five, she had funds, a fine house in Carlis, and a lover so rich he could probably buy the whole of Kydor and not notice the difference.

Leaning back on the satin pillow she gazed at the tall, powerfully built man standing by the window. ‘Did I thank you for the diamond pendant, Grey Man?’ she asked.

‘I believe that you did,’ he told her. ‘Quite eloquently. So, tell me, why do you not wish to attend my banquet?’

‘I have not been feeling well these last few days. It would be better for me to rest, I think.’

‘You seemed well a few moments ago,’ he observed drily.

‘That is because you are such an exquisite lover. Where did you learn such skills?’

He did not answer, but transferred his gaze back out of the window. Compliments slid from him like water from slate. ‘Do you love me?’ she asked him. ‘Even a little?’

‘I am fond of you,’ he said.

‘Then why do you never tell me anything about yourself? You have been coming to me for two years now and I don’t even know your real name.’

He turned his dark gaze towards her. ‘Nor I yours,’ he said. ‘It does not matter. I must be going.’

‘Be careful,’ she said suddenly, surprising herself.

He looked at her closely. ‘Of what?’

She was flustered. ‘There is some talk in the town . . . You have enemies,’ she concluded lamely.

‘Vanis the merchant? Yes, I know.’

‘He could . . . hire men to kill you.’

‘Indeed. Are you sure you will not attend my banquet?’

She nodded. As always he walked across the room without any farewells. The door closed behind him.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! she railed at herself. She had heard from Aric that Vanis was considering assassination. With his creditor dead Vanis would stave off bankruptcy. Aric had warned her to say nothing. ‘It should be a surprising evening,’ he had said, ‘the rich peasant slaughtered in his own palace. Quite a memorable event, I would think.’

At first Lalitia had been annoyed, for now the gifts would cease, but she knew, after two years, there was no hope of the Grey Man proposing marriage. And she already knew he was seeing another courtesan in the south of the town. Soon he would stop coming to her. But, as the day wore on, she couldn’t stop thinking about his demise.

Aric had always been good to her, but she knew that if she betrayed him he would have no hesitation in ordering her killed. And yet she had almost risked it. Almost told the Grey Man that the killers were waiting.

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Categories: David Gemmell