HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

‘Ah,’ said Eldicar Manushan, stepping forward, ‘a Third Level manifestation, then. A powerful spell must have been cast in that area.’

‘You have come across such . . . spells before?’ asked the Duke.

‘Sadly, yes, sire. They are known as portal-spells.’

‘Why Third Level?’ asked Waylander.

Eldicar Manushan turned towards him. ‘According to the Ancients’ texts, there are three levels of gateway magic. The Third Level opens on to the world of Anharat and his demons, but summons only mindless blood-feeders, such as the beast described by our host. The Second Level allows, it is said, the summoning of powerful individual demons, who can be directed against specific enemies.’

‘And the First Level?’ asked the Duke.

‘A First Level spell would summon one of Anharat’s companion demons – or even Anharat himself.’

‘I understand little of magic and its uses,’ snapped the Duke. ‘It has always sounded like babble to me. But a Third Level spell is what brought these demons, yes?’

‘Yes, sire.’

‘And how was this done?’

Eldicar Manushan spread his hands. ‘Once again, sire, we have only the words of the Ancients, as stored in sacred text. Many thousands of years ago man and demon coexisted on this world. The demons followed a great sorcerer god called Anharat. There was a war, which Anharat lost. He and all his followers were expelled from the earth, banished to another dimension. This very land, which now prospers under your rule, was instrumental in defeating Anharat. It was then called Kuan-Hador, and its people were versed in great magic. With the banishing of Anharat and his legions Kuan-Hador began an age of great enlightenment. However, Anharat still had followers among the more savage tribes, and these banded together to destroy Kuan-Hador, butchering its people and plunging the world into a new age of darkness and desolation.’

‘Yes, yes,’ said the Duke, ‘I have always liked stories, but I would appreciate it if you would leap across the centuries and tell me about the demons who attacked the wagoners.’

‘Of course, sire. My apologies,’ said Eldicar Manushan. ‘It is my belief that one of the spells used in the original battle against Kuan-Hador has been – somehow – reactivated, opening a Third Level portal. It may be that it was cast again by a sorcerer, or merely recharged by a natural event, lightning, for example, striking an altar stone where the spell was first spoken.’

‘Can you reverse this spell?’ asked the Duke.

‘If we can find the source of it, my lord, I believe that I can.’

The Duke returned his attention to Waylander. ‘I am told that a party of your friends was attacked recently by these demons, but that two of the party had magical blades which held the beasts at bay. Is this true?’

‘That is my understanding,’ said Waylander.

‘I would like to see these men.’

‘One is severely wounded, my lord,’ Waylander told him. ‘I will send for the other.’ A servant was despatched, and some minutes later Kysumu entered the room. He bowed low to the Duke, and also to Waylander, then stood silently, his face impassive.

‘It would be a great help, my lord,’ said Eldicar Manu-shan, ‘were I able to examine the sword. I could then, perhaps, identify which spells were cast upon the blade.’

‘Give him your sword,’ ordered the Duke.

‘No man touches a Rajnee blade,’ said Kysumu softly, ‘save the one for whom it was forged.’

‘Yes, yes,’ said the Duke, ‘I am also a great believer in tradition. But these are extraordinary circumstances. Hand it over.’

‘I cannot,’ said Kysumu.

‘This is senseless,’ said the Duke, without raising his voice. ‘I can call fifty men to this room. Then they will take the sword from you.’

‘Many will die,’ said Kysumu calmly.

‘You threaten me?’ said the Duke, leaning forward in his chair.

Waylander rose and moved to stand before Kysumu. ‘I have always found,’ he said, ‘in circumstances like these, that there is a subtle difference between a threat and a promise. I have read of these Rajnee blades. They are linked to the warriors who hold them. When a warrior dies his blade shatters and turns black. Perhaps the same would happen if he allowed Eldicar Manushan to take it from him. If that proves to be the case then we will have lost one of only two weapons proved to be of use against the demons.’

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Categories: David Gemmell