HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

The clay statues were trembling now. Yu Yu saw tiny cracks appear in the nearest figure, spreading out like a spider’s web. And still the terrible tolling of the bell continued. Pain roared inside Yu Yu’s head.

And he passed out.

Chapter Thirteen

Kysumu rolled to his knees. Blood was dripping from his nose. The noise was so incredible now that it had transcended mere sound. Everything hurt, ears, eyes, fingertips, belly. Every joint pulsed with pain. Kysumu forced himself to his feet and fell against the ledge, where the bell was still vibrating. Reaching out, the swordsman closed his hand around the tiny object. Instantly the tolling ceased. Kysumu staggered, then fell. He could scarcely breathe. Dust was everywhere, like a fog. Lifting the collar of his robe, he held it over his mouth. His ears were still ringing, his hands trembling.

Only then did he see the shining lights gleaming through the cracks that criss-crossed the statues. He blinked and tried to focus. It was as if the sun itself was trapped within the clay. The cracks of light widened, clay falling away. As the dust settled Kysumu saw that most of the statues were now bathed in golden light. The domed hall blazed with brightness. Kysumu closed his eyes against it, and where, only moments before, he had covered his ears, now he held his hands over his face. He waited for a few heartbeats, then opened his fingers. Light still blazed against his closed lids, and he waited again. Finally the brilliance faded. Kysumu let fall his hands and opened his eyes.

The Men of Clay were gone. Standing in the hall were several hundred living, breathing Riaj-nor.

Kysumu rose and approached them. They waited in silence. He bowed deeply. ‘I am Kysumu,’ he said, in formal Chiatze. ‘Is Qin Chong among you?’

A young man stepped forward. He was wearing a full-length tunic of silver satin, his sword thrust into a black silk sash around his waist. He removed his helm and neglected to bow to Kysumu. ‘Qin Chong did not survive the transformation.’ Kysumu looked into the man’s eyes. The pupils were black slits surrounded by gold. In that moment Kysumu felt as if he had been stabbed through the soul. His heart sank. These were not men at all. They were creatures just like the Kriaz-nor.

‘I am Ren Tang,’ said the warrior. ‘Are you the pria-shathr

‘No,’ said Kysumu, turning away. ‘The bell rendered him unconscious.’

Ren Tang strode to where Yu Yu lay. Other warriors gathered in silence around him. Then Ren Tang nudged Yu Yu with his foot. ‘Behold the great one, the pria-sbath,’ he said. ‘We have crossed the centuries to aid a human monkey in wolfskin.’ Some of the men chuckled. Kysumu knelt beside Yu Yu and saw that he, too, had bled from the nose. He rolled him on to his back. Yu Yu groaned. Kysumu hauled him to a seated position.

‘I feel sick,’ muttered Yu Yu. He opened his eyes, then jerked as he saw the warriors milling around. He swore loudly.

‘You did it, Yu Yu,’ said Kysumu. ‘You brought the Men of Clay back to life.’

‘It takes no great intellect to ring a bell,’ sneered Ren Tang.

‘I spoke with Qin Chong,’ said Kysumu, his voice cold. ‘He was a man of great power and strength. He also understood courtesy and the need for good manners.’

Ren Tang’s feral eyes locked to Kysumu’s gaze. ‘First, human, Qin Chong was not a man. He was, as we are, Riaj-nor. Second, I care nothing for your opinions. We drew lots to see which of us would fight for you humans when the gateway spell began to fail. It is enough that we will fight for you. Do not expect more.’

‘It is not important,’ said Yu Yu, climbing to his feet. ‘I don’t care whether they treat me with respect. Qin Chong sent them here to fight. So let them fight.’ He looked into Ren Tang’s eyes. ‘Do you know who you are supposed to fight, and where?’

‘You are the pria-shath,’ said Ren Tang, contempt in his voice. ‘We await your orders.’

‘Very well,’ said Yu Yu. ‘Why don’t you take some of your fighters and go outside? There were some enemy warriors out there earlier.’

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Categories: David Gemmell