HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

‘The ocean? But why? There is nothing there – save the end of the world. It is where the stars flow into the sea. There is no land, no civilization. And even if there is land it will be barren and empty. Your wealth would be meaningless there.’

‘It is meaningless here, Matze Chai.’

The elderly merchant sighed. ‘You have never been content to be rich, Dakeyras. This, in some strange way I have yet to fathom, is why you are rich. You care nothing for wealth. What is it, then, that you desire?’

‘I wish I could answer that,’ said Waylander. ‘All I can say is that this life is not for me. I have no taste for it.’

‘What is it that you wish me to do?’

‘You already manage one sixth of all my ventures, and hold two fifths of my wealth. I shall give you letters to all merchants with whom I have business dealings. These will inform them that, from the time they receive my instructions, you will speak for me. I shall also tell them that if they do not hear from me within five years then all my ventures and capital become yours.’

Matze Chai was aghast at the thought. He struggled to come to terms with what Waylander offered. Already wealthy, Matze Chai would become instantly the richest man in all of Chiatze. What would there be left to strive for?

‘I cannot accept this,’ he said. ‘You must reconsider.’

‘You can always give it all away,’ said Waylander. ‘But whatever you choose I shall sail from this world and not return.’

‘Are you truly so unhappy, my old friend?’ asked Matze Chai.

‘Will you do as I ask?’

Matze Chai sighed again, deeply. ‘I will,’ he said.

Waylander rose, then smiled. ‘I will tell your servants to prepare your second pot of tisane,’ he said. ‘They really should have brought it by now.’

‘I am served by cretins,’ admitted Matze Chai, ‘but, then, if I did not employ them their stupidity would see them starve in the streets.’

After Waylander had left Matze Chai sat lost in thought. He had long ago ceased to be surprised by his fondness for his Gajin client. When Waylander had first come to him, all those years ago, Matze Chai had been merely curious about the man. That curiosity led him to engage the old seer. Matze had sat upon the silken rug at the centre of the temple’s inner sanctum and watched as the elderly priest cast the bones.

‘Will this man be a danger to me?’

‘Not if you do not betray him.’

‘Is he evil?’

‘All men carry evil within them, Matze Chai. The question is imprecise.’

‘What, then, can you tell me of him?’

‘He will never be content, for his deepest desire is unattainable. Yet he will become rich, and make you rich. Is that enough for you, merchant?’

‘What is this unattainable desire?’

‘Deep in his heart, far below the level of conscious thought, he is desperate to save his family from terror and death. This unconscious desire drives him on, forces him to seek out danger, to pit himself against the might of violent men.’

‘Why is it unattainable?’

‘His family are already dead, slain in a mindless orgy of lust and depravity.’

‘Surely,’ said Matze Chai, ‘he knows they are dead.’

‘Of course. As I said, it is an unconscious desire. A part of his soul has never accepted that he was too late to save them.’

‘But he will make me rich?’

‘Oh, yes, Matze Chai, he will make you richer than you could ever dream possible. Be sure, however, that you recognize the riches when you have them.’

‘I am sure that I will.’

The stooping servant, Omri, was waiting in the corridor outside Matze Chai’s apartments. As Waylander stepped out he bowed briefly. ‘Lord Aric is waiting to see you, sir, along with the magicker, Eldicar Manushan,’ he said. ‘I have had refreshments served to them in the Oak Room.’

‘I was expecting him,’ said Waylander, his expression cold.

‘I must say that he looks well. I believe he has dyed his hair.’

Together the two men walked back along the corridor, and up two sets of stairs. ‘The bodies have been removed, sir. Emrin had them loaded on to a wagon and has driven it into Carlis. He will make a report to the watch officer, but I expect there will be an official inquiry. The incident, I should imagine, is the talk of Carlis. One of the young men was due to be wed next week. You even received an invitation to the ceremony.’

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Categories: David Gemmell