HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

The Duke rose from his chair and stepped close to the small swordsman. ‘Do you believe that your blade would become useless if handled by another?’

‘It is more than belief,’ said Kysumu. ‘It is knowledge. I have seen it. Three years ago a Rajnee surrendered to an opponent and offered his sword. The blade splintered as soon as the opponent took hold of the hilt.’

‘If this is true,’ said Lord Aric suddenly, ‘how is it that your companion carries such a blade? He is not Rajnee, nor was the blade fashioned for him.’

‘The blade chose him,’ said Kysumu.

Aric laughed. ‘Then it must be a more fickle blade. Let us send for that and Eldicar Manushan can examine it.’

‘No,’ said Kysumu. The sword now belongs to Yu Yu Liang. He is my pupil, and, since he is still unconscious, I speak for him. The blade will not be examined or touched by anyone.’

‘This is getting us nowhere,’ said the Duke. ‘I have no wish to use force here.’ He looked at Kysumu. ‘And I certainly have no desire to bring about either the death of a brave man or the destruction of such a powerful weapon. We are riding out to locate the source of the demon magic. Will you come with us, and aid us with your sword?’

‘Of course.’

The Duke turned to Waylander. ‘I would be obliged if you would offer hospitality to my son, Niallad, and his guards.’

The sound of the name struck Waylander like a dagger blade, but his face remained calm, and he bowed. ‘It will be my pleasure, my lord.’

‘But, Father, I want to ride with you,’ said the youth.

‘It would be folly to risk both myself and my heir,’ said the Duke softly. ‘We do not yet know the nature of the enemy. No, my son, you will remain here. Gaspir and Naren will stay with you. You will be safe.’ The youth bowed, his expression downcast.

Eldicar Manushan approached him. ‘Perhaps you would be kind enough to look after my page, Beric,’ he asked. ‘He is a good boy, but he becomes nervous when we are apart.’

Niallad looked down at the golden-haired page, and smiled ruefully. ‘Do you swim, Beric?’ he asked.

‘No, sir,’ answered the boy. ‘But I like to sit by the water.’

‘Then we will go to the beach while our elders and betters perform their manly tasks.’ The sarcasm hung heavily in the air, and Waylander saw the Duke flush with embarrassment.

‘Time to be on our way,’ said the Duke.

As the men filed from the room Eldicar Manushan paused before Waylander.

‘The Rajnee was bitten, I understand. How is the wound?’


‘Strange. Such wounds are usually fatal. You must have a highly skilled surgeon.’

‘I do. He found translucent worms in the bite. Most unusual.’

‘A clever man. Is he a mystic also?’

‘I do not believe that he is. He used an ancient artefact, a blue crystal. With this he could see the infestation.’

‘Ah! I have heard of such . . . artefacts. Very rare.’

‘So I understand.’

Eldicar Manushan stood silently for a moment. ‘Lord Aric informs me that there is a priestess currently in residence at the palace. She is said to have the gift of far-sight. I would very much like to meet her.’

‘Sadly she left yesterday,’ said Waylander. ‘I believe she is returning to Chiatze lands.’

‘How disappointing.’

‘Are there sharks, Uncle?’ asked the blond page, tugging at Eldicar Manushan’s robe. Waylander gazed down at the boy’s upturned face, and saw the love and trust the child had for the magicker.

Eldicar Manushan knelt by the boy. ‘Sharks, Beric?’

‘In the bay. Niallad is planning to swim.’

‘No, there are no sharks.’ The boy smiled happily and Eldicar drew him into a brief hug.

‘I already told him that,’ said Niallad, moving across the room. ‘They prefer cooler, deeper water.’

Two soldiers entered the room, tough men with grim faces. Niallad grinned as he saw them. ‘These are my bodyguards, Gaspir and Naren,’ he said. ‘There are no finer fighters in all of Kydor.’

‘Is your life in danger?’ asked Waylander.

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Categories: David Gemmell