HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

‘It just makes me sad,’ said Kysumu, reaching down and stroking Yu Yu’s face.

‘It makes me proud,’ said Song Xiu. ‘I shall find his soul in the Void, and we will walk together.’

Kysumu looked into the warrior’s face. Song Xiu’s hair was grey, his face ageing. ‘What is happening to you?’

‘I am dying,’ said Song Xiu. ‘We are out of time.’

Kysumu swung round and saw that the other Riaj-nor were all stretched out on the ground, unmoving. ‘Why?’ asked Kysumu.

‘We should have died thousands of years ago,’ Song Xiu told him, his voice no more than a whisper. ‘We knew when we returned that there would be only days left to us. Yu Yu Liang made it worth the price we paid.’

Song Xiu lay down. His hair was white now, the skin of his face as dry as parchment. Kysumu moved to him. ‘I am so sorry,’ he said. ‘I… misjudged you. All of you. I have been a fool. Forgive me!’

The Riaj-nor did not answer. A breeze blew across the ruins. Song Xiu’s body shivered and turned to dust.

Kysumu sat for a while, lost in thoughts and bittersweet memories. Then he took his sword and dug out a grave for Yu Yu Liang. He covered it with stones, then sheathed his weapon and walked away from the ruins of Kuan-Hador.

Waylander gathered up his crossbow, and his knives, and moved down the stairs to the lower library. Keeva was sitting there, but there was no sign of the two warriors.

They left,’ said Keeva, rising and putting her arms around the Grey Man. ‘How are you feeling?’

‘Like death,’ he told her, with a wry grin.

‘I heard the. . . demon,’ she said. ‘I have never been more terrified. Not even when Camran took me from the village.’

‘That seems a long time ago now,’ he replied. Taking her hand Waylander made his way down to the terrace steps where he found Ustarte waiting.

‘The gateway is closed,’ she told him. ‘Yu Yu Liang died to seal it. Kysumu survived.’

Waylander glanced around him, seeking the body of Eldicar Manushan. ‘He is dead,’ said Ustarte.

Truly dead?’ queried Waylander. ‘I would have thought the fall would have killed him.’

‘He had some regenerative powers. They could not withstand being struck by a bolt of lightning.’

‘So it is over,’ said Waylander wearily. That is good. Where is Matze?’

‘He is still tied in the cellar. Keeva can release him. You and I have to go to the stables.’

‘Why there?’

‘I have one last gift for you, my friend.’

Waylander smiled. ‘I can feel death approaching, Ustarte. My blood is flowing sluggishly and your spell is wearing off. I do not think this is a time for gifts.’

‘Trust me, Grey Man.’

Taking his arm she led him back into the palace.

Keeva ran down to the cellar to free Matze Chai. The old man was naked and tied to a chair. He looked up as she entered, and stared at her quizzically.

‘I am here to free you,’ she told him. ‘The Grey Man has killed the sorcerer.’

‘Of course he has,’ said Matze. ‘And what, pray, possessed you to come to me without bearing any clothing for me to wear? Does a little peril make people lose all sense of good manners? Untie me, then go to my rooms and fetch a suitable robe and some soft shoes.’

Keeva shook her head and smiled. ‘My apologies, Lord,’ she said, with a bow. ‘Is there anything else you require?’

Matze nodded, ‘If any of my servants have survived you can tell them to prepare a sweet tisane.’

The dawn was breaking as Keeva made her way to the stables. She found Ustarte sitting on a stone bench under a willow tree. The two Kriaz-nor warriors were beside her. There was no sign of the Grey Man. ‘Where is he?’ she asked.

‘He is gone, Keeva. I opened a portal for him.’

‘Where did you send him?’

‘Where he always wanted to be.’

Keeva sat down. A great sadness settled upon her. ‘It is hard to believe,’ she said, ‘that there is no Grey Man. He seemed somehow . . . immortal, unbeatable.’

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Categories: David Gemmell