HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

The sound of rasping metal from behind caused Niallad to spin round. At a nearby table a chef was sharpening his carving knife. Niallad felt panic looming. The Grey Man spoke. ‘I do not like crowds,’ he said softly. ‘They make me uneasy.’

Niallad struggled for calm. Was the man mocking him? ‘Why is that?’ he heard himself say.

‘Probably because I’ve spent too long in my own company, riding the high country. I like the peace I find there. The meaningless chatter of these events grates on my nerves. Would you like to take some air with me on the terrace?’

‘Yes, of course,’ said Niallad gratefully. They stepped out through the archway and on to the paved stone beyond. The night was cool, the sky clear. Niallad could smell the sea. He felt himself becoming calmer. ‘I suppose,’ he said, ‘that such problems with crowds dissipate after a while as one becomes more accustomed to them.’

‘That is mostly the way with problems of this nature,’ agreed the Grey Man. ‘The trick is to allow oneself to become accustomed.’

‘I don’t follow you.’

‘If you were faced with a snarling dog, what would you do?’

‘Stand very still,’ said Niallad.

‘And if it attacked?’

‘If I was armed I would try to kill it. If not I would shout loudly and kick at it.’

‘What would happen were you to run from it?’

‘It would chase and bite me. That is the way with dogs.’

‘That is also the way with fear,” said the Grey Man. ‘You can’t run from it. It will follow, snapping at your heels. Most fears recede if you face them down.’

A servant came out on to the terrace, bearing a tray upon which were crystal goblets filled with watered wine. Niallad took one and thanked the man, who bowed and departed. ‘Rare to see a nobleman thank a servant,’ said the Grey Man.

‘Is that a criticism?’

‘No. A compliment. Are you staying long in Carlis?’

‘A few weeks only. My father wanted to meet with the lords of the four Houses. He is trying to avert another war.’

‘Let us hope he succeeds.’

At that moment Gaspir strode out on to the terrace. He bowed. ‘Your father is asking for you, young lord,’ he said. Niallad offered his hand to the Grey Man, who shook it.

‘Thank you for your company, sir,’ said Niallad. The Grey Man bowed.

Niallad strolled away. Somehow the conversation with the Grey Man had settled his nerves, but his heart began to beat faster as he entered the throng. ‘Face it down,’ he told himself. ‘It is merely a growling dog, and you are a man. You only have to be here for a while, then you can return to the sanctuary of your room.’

Niallad walked on, his expression grim and determined.

Waylander watched the youth make his way across the hall. The bodyguard Gaspir was following him closely. Elsewhere he saw Eldicar Manushan moving among the crowds, smiling and chatting to people. Waylander saw that his long robe seemed to shimmer and change colour as he moved. At first sight it was silver grey, but the folds glinted at times with subtle shades of pink and red, lemon yellow and gold. Waylander’s gaze flowed over the hall. There had been changes since last he had been here. The stairwells were now closed off, and the arches leading to the library boasted heavy doors of oak. He preferred the previous style. It was more open and inviting.

A servant offered him a drink, but he refused, and strolled into the hall. He could see the boy, Niallad, talking with his father and the tall, slim Lord Ruall. The lad seemed ill at ease once more and Waylander could see the gleam of sweat upon his face.

Reaching the new door to the library, Waylander tried to open it, but it was locked from the other side. Eldicar Manushan strolled over to him. ‘Your garb is most elegant, sir,’ he said. ‘Your lack of adornment makes most men here look like peacocks. Including me,’ he added, with a grin.

‘An unusual robe,’ observed Waylander.

‘It is my favourite,’ said Eldicar. ‘It is woven from the silk of a rare worm. Heat and light bring about changes in colour. In bright sunshine the robe becomes golden. It is a delightful piece.’ Stepping in close, the magicker lowered his voice. ‘Have you considered what we spoke about?’

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Categories: David Gemmell