HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

In the Winter Palace, on the far side of the bay, the Duke began preparations for the celebration feast. The lords of Kydor, Panagyn of House Rishell, Ruall of House Loras, and Shastar of House Bakard, all arrived in Carlis and were given sumptuous suites in three of the towers. Lord Aric, of House Kilraith, occupied the fourth tower. Invitations to the feast were sent to all the heads of the minor noble families, and a handful of wealthy merchants, including the Grey Man.

There was great excitement among the invited, for those who had already seen the wondrous talents of Eldicar Manushan had spread the word. And the magicker had promised a night to remember for all the guests.

A little to the west of the Grey Man’s apartments was a sheltered ledge, hidden from the palace above by a jutting overhang. Here there were several bench seats, created from split logs, surrounding the sanded stump of a huge tree. The Grey Man was stretched out on one of the benches. To his right sat Ustarte the priestess, dressed now in a green robe of silk. Her face was still grey and her eyes reflected both weariness and pain. On the bench opposite sat Yu Yu Liang and Kysumu.

Yu Yu’s shoulder was healing fast, but he found himself wishing he was back in his hospital bed. Ustarte had tried to question him about his experiences with the spirits of the original Riaj-nor. Yu Yu found it hard now to remember all that he had been told. Much of it was beyond him anyway, and he hadn’t understood it even when it was being relayed to him by the spirit of Qin Chong. There was a feeling of tension in the air. The Grey Man was stretched out on his side, resting on one elbow, but his face was stern, his eyes locked to Yu Yu’s face. It was most disconcerting. The priestess was disappointed, and only Kysumu seemed relaxed and at ease. Yu Yu guessed this was merely an outward show.

‘I am sorry,’ he said in Chiatze. ‘I remember the tall man coming to me. I remember he called me pria-shath, which Kysumu said means Lantern Bearer. Then he took my hand and we flew. High through clouds and under stars. And all the time he was talking to me. I thought I was remembering it, but when I awoke it started slipping away. Sometimes things come back to me – like when I remembered about how the magic of the swords could be passed on. But most of it is gone.’

The Grey Man swung his legs to the ground and sat up. ‘When I spoke to you in the grounds of the palace,’ he said, ‘you told me we had to find the Men of Clay. You remember?’

‘Yes, the Men of Clay. I remember that.’

‘Who are they?’

‘They wait in the Dome. That’s what he told me. They wait for the Lantern Bearer.’

‘And where is the Dome?’

‘I don’t know. I can’t think any more.’ Yu Yu was feeling agitated now.

Kysumu laid a hand on his arm. ‘Stay calm, Yu Yu. All will be well.’

‘I don’t see how,’ muttered Yu Yu. ‘I am an idiot.’

‘You are the Chosen, the pria-shath. That is why you were drawn here,’ said Kysumu. ‘So sit calmly and let us continue to seek the truth. You agree?’

Yu Yu leant back and closed his eyes. ‘Yes, I agree. But my mind is emptying. I can feel it all washing away.’

‘It will come back. Qin Chong told you that you must find the Men of Clay, who live in a place called the Dome. He said these Men of Clay were waiting for the Lantern Bearer. Did you see the Men of Clay in your travels with Qin Chong?’

‘Yes! Yes, I did. It was after a great battle. There were thousands of warriors – men like you, Kysumu, in robes, some of grey, some white and some crimson. They knelt and prayed on the battlefield and then they drew lots. Certain of the warriors then moved away from the others. They walked into the hills. Qin Chong was with them. He was with them and with me, if you take my meaning. And he said, “These are the Men of Clay.”‘

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Categories: David Gemmell