HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

‘I cannot tell. It is like a whisper in my soul.’

Kysumu sat quietly, eyes closed. Yu Yu drank more water, then glanced up at the fading sun. It would be dusk soon, and he had no wish to be in these ruins once night had fallen.

‘Why do you want to find these demons anyway?’ he asked the Rajnee.

Kysumu’s face twitched. His dark eyes opened. ‘Do not disturb me when I am meditating,’ he said, without anger. ‘It is painful.’

Yu Yu apologized, feeling foolish.

‘You were not to know,’ said Kysumu. ‘But to answer your question I do not want to find demons. I am Rajnee. I swore an oath to stand against evil wherever I found it. This is the way of the Rajnee. What we experienced in the camp of Matze Chai was evil. Of that there is no doubt. And that is why my sword brought me here.’ He looked closely at Yu Yu. ‘It is why you are here too.’

‘I don’t want to fight evil,’ said Yu Yu. ‘I want to be rich and happy.’

‘I thought you wanted to strut through marketplaces with people pointing at you and saying your name with pride.’

‘That too.’

‘Such respect has to be earned, Yu Yu. Were you a good ditch-digger?’

‘I was a great—’

‘Yes, yes,’ interrupted Kysumu. ‘Now think about the question, and answer it with seriousness.’

‘I was good,’ said Yu Yu. ‘I worked hard. My foreman praised me. When times were tough I would always be employed ahead of other men. I was not lazy.’

‘You were respected as a ditch-digger?’

‘I was. But I was also paid for being a ditch-digger. Who will pay me for being a hero and fighting demons?’

‘The payment is greater than a mountain of gold, Yu Yu. And more beautiful than the richest gems. Yet you cannot touch it, or hold it. It swells the heart and feeds the soul.’

‘It doesn’t feed the body, though, does it?’ said Yu Yu.

‘No, it does not,’ agreed Kysumu. ‘But think back to how you felt when we fought the demons in the camp of Matze Chai, when the sun came up and the mist departed. You recall how your heart swelled with pride, because you had stood your ground and survived?’

‘That was good,’ agreed Yu Yu. ‘Almost as good as making love to Norda.’

Kysumu sighed.

Yu Yu walked to the edge of the broken wall. ‘I cannot see the Grey Man. Why did he go off on his own?’

‘He is a solitary man,’ said Kysumu. ‘He works better alone.’

The sun dipped below the western ridges. ‘Well, I hope he gets back soon. I do not want to spend a night here.’ Yu Yu picked up his cloak and shook it out, then swirled it around his shoulders. ‘What is a pria-shath?’ he asked.

Kysumu’s face registered shock. ‘Where did you hear that word?’

‘The golden man in my dream. He asked if I was a pria-shath.’

‘And you have never heard it before?’

Yu Yu shrugged. ‘I don’t think so.’

‘What else did he ask?’

‘I don’t remember. It is all very hazy now.’

‘Try to think,’ said Kysumu.

Yu Yu sat down and scratched his beard. ‘He asked me a lot of questions, and I didn’t know the answers to any of them. There was something about the stars, but I don’t recall exactly. Oh . . . and he told me his name . . . Qin someone . . .’

‘Qin Chong?’

‘Yes. How did you know?’

‘Later. Keep thinking of the dream.’

‘I told him I was a ditch-digger, and I didn’t know what he was talking about. Then he said, “You are the pria-shath.” That was when you woke me. What is a pria-shath?’

‘A Lantern Bearer,’ said Kysumu. ‘He was seeking me. That must be why the sword brought me here. I shall contact this spirit myself. It means going into a trance. You must stand guard over me.’

‘Guard? What happens if the demons come? You will wake, yes?’

‘It depends on how deep the trance. Now do not speak again.’ With that Kysumu dipped his head and closed his eyes.

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Categories: David Gemmell