HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

‘Did he say why? Was he unhappy?’

‘No, sir. He was too happy.’

‘I don’t understand.’

‘I can say no more. It would not be right.’

He had still been confused when he left. How could Tanya have told him what Dakeyras confided to her? The fighting and the killing, which dismayed most men, had begun to fill Dakeyras with a savage delight. ‘If I stay,’ he said, ‘I will become someone I do not want to be.’ In the end his commanding officer had convinced Dakeyras to take a year’s sabbatical, while still holding his commission. That year was almost up.

Tanya walked out into the sunshine and untied the ribbon that held her long blond hair in place. Shaking out the dust, she moved to the well, and slowly drew up a bucket. Reaching out, she dragged it over until it rested on the stone wall. She drank deeply, then splashed water to her face.

‘Riders, Mama!’ shouted Gellan.

Tanya turned towards the north and saw a line of horsemen making their way down the slope. She wondered if they might be soldiers, but soon saw that, although they were heavily armed, they were not from the Drenai garrison.

She walked back towards the house and waited for them by the porch.

The first of the men, riding a tall bay, drew rein. He had a long face and deep-set eyes. Tanya, who liked most people, found herself vaguely repelled by him. She glanced at the other riders. They were unshaven, their clothes dirty. Alongside the lead rider was a man with Nadir features, high cheekbones and slanted eyes. No one spoke.

‘If you would like to water your horses,’ said Tanya, ‘you may use the stream. It is a little further back into the trees.’

‘We didn’t come for water,’ said the long-faced man. He stared at her, his eyes glittering. Tanya felt both anger and fear as his gaze flowed over her. ‘You are a pretty thing, farm girl. I like a woman with good breasts. I think you can supply what we need.’

‘You had better leave,’ she said. ‘My husband. . . and his friends . . . will be back soon. You are not welcome here.’

‘We are not welcome anywhere,’ said the rider. ‘Now, you can do this easy or hard. Best to know that I gutted the last woman who chose hard.’

Tanya stood very still. One of the twins began to cry for food, the sound high and keening. Little Gellan had moved closer. ‘What do they want, Mama?’ he called.

The long-faced man turned towards the Nadir. ‘Kill the brat!’ he said.

A blast of cold air swept across the riders. Horses reared and were brought under control. Tanya turned her head, and saw another horseman. She had not heard him approach. The riders were all staring at him.

‘Where the Hell did he come from?’ she heard someone ask.

‘From the back of the house,’ said Long-face. ‘Where else?’

Tanya stared hard at the newcomer. There was something familiar about him. He was old, his face masked by grey stubble. And he looked tired. Dark rings circled his eyes. He heeled his horse forward, and Tanya saw that in his left hand he held a small black crossbow.

‘What do you want here?’ asked Long-face.

‘I know you,’ said the newcomer. ‘I know all of you.’ Shock rippled through Tanya as she heard his voice, though she didn’t know why. He moved his mount closer to Long-face. ‘You are Bedrin, known as the Stalker. You are a man with no redeeming features. There is nothing I have to say to you.’ The crossbow came up, and Long-face pitched from the saddle, a bolt through his brain. ‘As for the rest of you,’ continued the rider, ‘there are some who can still find redemption.’

Tanya saw the Nadir draw his sword and heel his horse forward. A crossbow bolt slammed through into his throat, and he,’too, fell to the ground, his horse cantering past the man, who continued to talk. There was no hint of emotion in his voice. He might as well have been discussing the weather. The seventeen remaining riders sat their mounts, almost mesmerized by this deadly, grey-faced stranger.

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Categories: David Gemmell